Communication » 2LSCA Communication

Aerrichiello-frasi personalità e es 10 pag 15
by AErrichiello - (2019-11-13)
Up to  2LSC - Personality. FOCUS 1Up to task document list

Someone is clever because he loves studying.

Someone is stupid because she doesn’t study a lot.

Someone is funny because she makes a lot of fun.

Someone is serious because he never smiles.

Someone is interesting because he speaks about interesting things.

Someone is boring because she speaks about the same things in every moment

Someone is kind because he helps everyone

Someone is unkind because she doesn’t like helping other people.

Someone is positive because she thinks the life is beautiful.

Someone is negative because he ever thinks about died.

Someone is caring because he pays attention to someone.

Someone is selfish because he thinks only about him.

Someone is cheerful because she smiles a lot.

Someone is hardworking because she thinks everything have to be in order.

Someone is miserable because she lives in horrible condition.

Someone is lazy because he doesn’t like making exercise.

Someone is modest because she doesn’t think she is the best

Someone is outgoing because he thinks there is only him in the world.

Someone is shy because when you speak with him, he become rad.

Someone is crazy because she changes mood easly.

Someone is experienced because she makes it a lot of time.

Someone is inexperienced because he never makes that.

Someone is fair because he gives correct marks.

Someone is unfair because she makes preference.

Someone is honest because she ever tell the truth.

Someone is dishonest because he copies during the test.

Someone is popular because all the school knows her.

Someone is unpopular because nothing knows him.

Someone is responsible because she pays a lot of attention.

Someone is irresponsible because she don’t take care about everything.


ES.:10 PAG.15

Marco is an experienced skier. He goes to the mountains every year.

Giulia is an honest girl. He never tells lies.

I never ask Carlo to look after my pet. He is so irresponsible.

Mrs Brumat is very fair. She treats all her students equally.

Everybody likes Elisa. She is really popular.

I’m worried about going in a car with Irene because she’s an inexperienced driver. She only passed her test recently.

Giulio I sonly sixteen, but he seems to be much order. He’s so sensible and responsible.