Textuality » 5LSCA Interacting

5LSC A - SDri_Normal People: Notes about an extract from Three Month Later
by SDri - (2019-11-20)
Up to  5LSC A - Reading S. Rooney's Normal PeopleUp to task document list

20th November 2019

Chapter: Three Month Later March 2014

What is the chapter about?

What is the subject of this chapter?

What kind of room is it? → waiting room

What is the problem here?

The beginning of this chapter is set in a psychological world attended by Connell

Why he decided to go to the psychologist?

Tell + complemento oggetto

What kind of narrative technique is used here?

Who is speaking? What kind of narrator is? → 3rd person

The narrator speaks from Connell’s point of view

What does the narrator want from the reader? => To visualize the scene 

Description => break in narration

Why he looks insistently the receptionist? → to fill out the questionnaire

The character does not seem to feel at ease → what create this impression? 

  • uncomfortable seat

  • adverb: awkwardly

=> Connell’s room is well organized, clean, tidy? No => He is emotionally involved => he is totally disorganized in space, mind, life

What is a tiny tear?

To tick

To resonate = risuonare

To alert 

“Its syntax seems to have originated inside him” => close and intimate relationship with literature and language

“Life Life is the thing you bring with you inside your own head” => new concept of time → Modern Age