Textuality » 5LSCA Interacting

ICORAZZA- 5LSCA - comparison between Normal People and the photo at pag. 513
by ICorazza - (2019-11-20)
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COMPARING “NORMAL PEOPLE” TO THE PHOTO “The end of the World War II” (pag. 513)



WHO: There is a couple, they probably are 30 years old;

WHERE: in Times Square, New York;

WHEN: in the end of the second World War;

WHAT THEY ARE DOING: they are kissing each other in the middle of a street;

TOPIC: - relationship between people in particular between a man and a girls;

             - the protagonist do not care about the other judgements; 

WHAT DOES IT REMIND?: the relationship between Connell and Marianne, Othello, Evelyne; 

DIFFERENCES WITH NORMAL PEOPLE: - in Normal People Marianne and Connell have an hidden relationship while in the photo the guys have a public relationship; the characters of Normal People are scared about the other judgments while the male and the famale in the photo do not care about the other thoughts;