Textuality » 5LSCA Interacting

5LSCA - AColaut - Notes taken during the 20/11/19 Oral test
by AColaut - (2019-11-20)
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Notes taken during the 20/11/19 Oral test

Psychological ward

Why? He felt depressed

What does the narrator want from the reader? He wants him to visualize the situation

He doesn’t feel comfortable

Tiny tear his confusion

External point of view 3rd person narrator

Resonate = risuonare in testa

Close relation whit languages because he studies literature

In this chapter of the novel you can see Connell’s real depression and his struggle to take the questionary given to him, because in language matter he is really picky, studying literature. So looking at the scene trough Connell’s point of view makes the reader feel his sense of being uncomfortable in that situation and struggling to explain to someone what is that he is feeling in that exact period.