Communication » 1LSCA

FBasso - exercises page 206 and 207
by FBasso - (2019-11-21)
Up to  1LSCA - Introducing Grammar Up to task document list

Page 206 ex.1

1) is

2) isn’t

3) is

4) are

5) are

6) aren’t

7) ‘m not


Page 206 ex.2

1) are doing

2) is writing

3) isn’t writing

4) is thinking

5) is she thinking

6) is watching

7) isn’t reading

8) are talking

9) aren’t trying

10) am i doing

11) ‘m wating


Page 206 ex.3

1) are you waiting

2) ‘m waiting

3) are you using

4) ‘m not

5) is Pauul wearing

6) he is




Page 206 ex. 4

1) I’m waiting

2) is he working today?

3) he is

4) what are you cooking

5) joe is getting a pizza

6) where is he buying it

7) they are selling pizzas


Page 206 ex.5

1) what are you reading

2) i’m going to school

3) alex is playing tennis with steve

4) why are you sitting down

5) they are building a new house

6) are you writing emails


Page 207 ex.3

1) e

2) a

3) b

4) d

5) c


Page 207 ex.4

1) on

2) in

3) with

4) children

5) money

6) vegetables

7) a house

Page 207 ex. 5

1) learn

2) teach

3) teaches

4) learns

5) learn

6) teach

7) learning

8) teaching