Textuality » 5LSAB Interacting

SLorenzon - listening 4
by SLorenzon - (2019-11-29)
Up to  5LSA B - Remedial WorkUp to task document list


1) The students will be taking exams soon. TRUE

2)A revision timetable could be from one to six weeks. FALSE 

3)No one can really concentrate properly with music on. FALSE

4)You should try to forget about the internet, text messages, Twitter, Facebook, etc. while you're studying. TRUE

5) You should try not to have a break until you really need one. FALSE

6) Underlining or highlighting your notes is better than writing more notes. FALSE

7) Mind maps are good because they mirror the way the brain works. TRUE

8) The most important thing is to remember the information. You don't have to understand it. FALSE





1) Some of you are probably fantastic at studying, really organised and good at concentrating|able to concentrate
2)It's a good idea to have some kind of plan|timetable|schedule or  timetable|plan|schedule
3)If you're studying for an important exam, it's important to think long term
4)Make sure the place where you're going to study is comfortable, with no distracting noises
5) If you have to work near a TV, you might have to use headphones|earphones to drown out the sound of the TV.
6)While you're studying, you should ignore|forget about|not use|not look at the internet, text messages, Facebook, etc.
7) You should plan your studying and take regular breaks
8)It is better to write notes, so your mind is processing the information more.
9) Mind maps seem to work in the same way the brain works.
10)Which study method you choose all depends on your personal preference