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ENicola - My school trip to Ravenna
by ENicola - (2019-12-01)
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My school trip to Ravenna:
About two years ago, when I was in middle school, my school class and I went to Ravenna to take a trip lasted two days. That morning I woke up at 6 a.m, I was very excited, I had breakfast with coffee and biscuits. Then I went to the bathroom, where I washed my face and teeth, I dressed and made up. I was wearing a red t-shirt, jeans and sneakers. I was about to forget to prepare my suitcase, but after my mother remember me of it. So I put the clothes for the next day, slippers, tricks, towels....I was ready to go! I kissed my mother and I left home. I had just come out of the gate, when I remembered that I hadn’t taken the money and my identity card. Father was angry with me: the day started very well. I got into the car and my father took me to school, where I met my school friends and our teachers. We put the suitcases in the bus and then we left. The bus was very quiet and relaxing. During the trip our teachers showed us things to learn out of the window, but we were tired and bored. We also played cards to pass the time, while we girls talked about gossip. Along the way we stopped in a motorway restaurant to go to the bathroom, take a coffee or something to eat: we had fifteen minutes. After we returned to the bus and we left. We arrived to Ravenna at 12.30 a.m (4 hours of travel) and at 13 a.m we were in the hotel: it was a beautiful hotel situated near the sea, the outside was very good, with a big garden and a swimmingpool. When we entered they gave us the room keys. Our teachers had chosen room groups. I was happy, because I was with my best friend Marlena! We had to go to the fourth floor and we didn’t take the elevator. When I arrived, I died. But it isn’t over here....the card to open the room didn’t work, so I had to go down again to change it. I will never do this again! Finally we were able to enter, we left our bags on the beds and then we went down for lunch. The meal was excellent, we ate a nice plate of pasta with tomato sauce. For dessert instead we ate a slice of chocolate cake. It was delicious! There in Ravenna we were twelve pupils and two school guides that were very serious, but they were sometimes funny and they understood our exigence. Then we went to the center of Ravenna, where our guide was waiting for us. During the days we visited a lot of churches, museums, monuments and much more that impress everyone sees it for its beauty. The thing I liked most was “San Vitale’s Basilica” by Ecclesio; too we visited Mausoleums of Theodoric and Gallia Placidia, Neonian and of the Aryans Baptistery, Dante’s grave, Sant’Apollinare’s Basilica. Besides we saw two art gallery of two different artists: Van Gogh and Picasso. All art gallery were very interesting. I think all these things we visited were important to our culture. When evening came, we returned to the hotel, where we had a shower and then we had dinner. After dinner, we were out talking and our teachers decided to take us for a walk along the beach. It was winter and it seemed strange to us, but we took of our shoes and ran on the sand and in the water (it was so cold!). That evening we had a lot of fun, we laughed and danced. When we returned to the hotel, we said goodnight and we went to bed. We were so tired that we immediately closed our eyes. The next morning they woke us up very early, we dressed and we went to have breakfast. I ate some slice of bread with marmelade and nutella ande I drank coffee. After we finished visiting the other things. For lunch we ate in a beautiful restaurant: we ordered a different types of pizza, but maybe too many! Then we paid and we left the restaurant. In the streets of Ravenna there were a lot of shops to buy souvenirs for friends and family members. In this shop you could find typical objects from Ravenna. In conclusion, we ate an icecream, while we were walking. At 6 p.m had to go to the bus and we left to go home. During the trip we spent a good time, where we said in turn what ww will miss of these three years together. We all had teard, I was sad because the trip was at the end. But I will never forget it!