Communication » 2LSCA Communication

Aerrichiello- pag 180/185
by AErrichiello - (2019-12-04)
Up to  2LSC A - Personality and ProfileUp to task document list

Esercizio 1 di pagina 180

I think it was very kind to help Abi with her homework.

Chris is boring. He never has anything interesting to say because he spends all his time playing computer games.

Megan is so clever. She’s olny three and she can already count to fifty.

Joe complains about everything. There is always something wrong. He’s very negative

You were silly to walk home on your own late at night. Next time call your parents.


Esercizio 2 di pagina 180

My perfect boyfriend is …




Not selfish


Not crazy


Not miserable


Not shy


Not lazy


Not arrogant



Esercizio 3 di pagina 180

L: So, how are things? Is Simon the perfect boyfrind?
A: Well, nobody’s perfect, but you know what? He’s really great. First of all, he’s really cheerful, you konw, always happy and smiling. And he’s very hard-working. He wants to be a teacher and he does lots of studying in the evenings.
L: Does he have any time for you then?
A: Oh sure. He’s very caring guy. He calls me every night and asks about my day. And he often buys me flowers.
L: Wow. Lucky you! Dave never asks about my day. He only thinks about himself. He’s so selfish.Dave thinks he’s the best boyfriend in the world. He thinks he’s the best at everything. He’s very arrogant.
A: Poor you. Simon is exactly the opposite. He’s really clever, but he doesn’t talk about it. He’s very modest. I’m really happy, you know.
L: Well, good for you, Unfortunately, I’m not. I’m opposite. I’m unhappy; really miserable.  I think I need a new boyfriend. I don’t know what to do. Does Simon have a twin brother?


Esercizio 4 di pagina 180







Try to be modest. Nodoby likes arrogant people. They are nearly always unpopular.

mum trusts my oder brother Peter to look after our little sister. He’s very responsible; he never does anything dangerous or silly.

Katie never lies. She is a very honest person.

In some jobs men get much more money than women for doing exactly the same work. It’s really unfair.

Tom passed his driving test eight years ago. He drives to work every day. He is an experinced and safe driver.


Esercizio 5 di pagina 181

Junior travel writer wanted
for Backpack Magazine
Are you passionate about travel?
Are you interested in cultures?
Are you between 15 and 19 years old?
Yes, yes and yes?

Backpack Magazine is looking for a junior travel writer to join our team during the school summer holidays this year. The successful candidate will be responsible for writing several magazine articles about what young travellers can do in their country. You will also be involved in writing articles for our website and smartphone app. You need to be good at  written and spoken English and keen withmeeting and talking to tourists. At Backpack Magazine we are seriuos on travel, and you won’t be disappointed about our offer. Working for us is fun, interesting and well-paid. Write to us and tell us why we should choose you as our junior travel writen.


Esercizio 6 di pagina 181

Zoe’s hairdresser was last inexperienced.

I have two dihonest friends.

New Jamie’s girlfriend’s is extremely arrogant.



Our history teacher is hard-working. She is not a lazy teacher.

My best firend is cheerful. She is not a miserable person.

My mother is caring. She isn’t a selfish person.

My father is generous. He isn’t a mean person.

Giacomo is dishonest. He isn’t a honest person.


Esercizio 7 di pagina 181

Last night I watched a TV programme about robots.
Are you seriuos on becoming a doctor?

Laura is not very good at Maths or Science.
Jenny likes doing her homework in the coffee shop, but I like doing mine at home.

Granddad goes for a walk in the afternoon to get some fresh air.
I’m responsible for talking out the rubbish at home.

Many customers were disappointed about the new smartphone.
Ken always eats his chips with lots of salt.


Esercizio 8 di pagina 181

Why is my brother so lazy? he never helps with the housework. He just spleeps on the sofa.

Don’t be so selfish Share the chocolate with your sister!

My older sister gets £10 pocket money every week and I only get £5. It’s unfair.

Mia is very kind on learning English. She learns ten new words every day.

Amy is interested in three different after-school clubs. She goes to Science club, chess club and Spanish club.

Lucy is very popular about badminton. She wants to play for the national team.

Ex.1 page182

It’s 11 o’clock and the bus hasn’t arrived yet. Oh! Wait... there it is. I can seeing now. It’s coming round the corner.

I have never tried sushi. I don’t like fish very much.

Sorry, Emily isn’t here now. She’s running in the park. Can you call back later.

You dad has already had breakfast. He’s having a shower now.

Leroy is reading a very good book at the moment. He always buy his books online.

Ex.2 page182

Has Carl ever been involved in a fight?

What is an appropriate birthday present for my five-year-old nephew?

Do doctors need to be good at Maths?

Why is Kelly so miserable today?

Which sports do you keen on?

How much do they pay for their children’s dance lessons? 

Ex.3 page 182

A)Who has eaten eggs? B)What has Emma eaten?

A)Who is living in London? B)Where are Lawrence and Lucy living?

A)Who reads about running marathons? B)What does Ray read about?

A)Who has chosen chips for lunch? B)What has Charles chosen?

A)Who’s helping Harry? B)Who is Helen helping?

A)Who feels fantastic? B)How does Freddie feel?

A)Who is on holiday in Hawaii? B)Where is Harriet in holiday? 

A)Who works with Wendy? B)Who does William work with?

Ex.4 page182

What do you spend your money on?

Who’s she waiting for?

What has Oscar read about?

Which hotel has Liz heard about?

Which team do you play for?

Ex.5 page182

Conversation 1

A: Who is interested in writing?

B: My brother is interested in writing.

A: What is he writing?

B: He’s writing a short story now.

A: Why is he writing it?

B: He’s writing it because he wants to win a competition at school.

A: Do you like writing?

B: Yes, I like writing.

A: Have you written a story for the competition?

B: No, I haven’t written a story for the competition.

Conversation 2

A: What are you doing?

B: I’m baking a cake.

A: Who are you baking it for?

B: I’m baking it for my mum.

A: Why is it brown?

B: It’s brown because it’s a chocolate cake.

A: Have you ever baked a cake before?

B: No, I haven’t baked a cake before.

Ex.6 page182

What are the girls talking about?

What has Dean spent all his money on?

Who has forgotten to close the door?

What is Nicole doing?

What does Craig believe on?

Who is listening to the band?

Ex.1 page183











Ex.2 page183

I’d like a job where I’m working with people, not just on a computer.

I’m very interested in languages and I can speak three.

My brother is looking for a summer job. Does your restaurant need any waiters?

My mum works from home. She’s on her own all day and she doesn’t like it.

I read an article about personality yesterday. It was really interesting.

Sometimes I look after my baby sister in the evenings.

Ex.3 page183

I’m more confident than before.

There were some very scary situations.

You get on well with people - you’re cooperative.

We’re the local people friendly?

I met some lovely people.


Many people find Aung Sang Sun Kyi’s life and work inspiring. Her loyalty to the people of her country is admirable.

Ex.4 page183

A) unfit

B) unhealthy 

C) disloyal

D) insensitive 

E) uncooperative

F) unsuccessful 

When Jenny gets tired, she becomes uncooperative - she won’t do anything you ask her to.

It was insensitive to ask James about pets. You know his rabbit died last week.

Nikki is a very unhealthy supporter of the basketball team. She goes to watch every game.

I know chocolate, cakes and biscuits are unhealthy, but I love them.

The climbers tried to reach the top of the mountain, but they were unsuccessful. The weather was terrible and they had to return to their camp.

Es.1 pag. 184.

You probably also have a good relationship with your classmates. 4

This could be the reason why students who sit here often get lower marks in tests and exams. 2

So, if you really want to hear what everyone says in class, choose a different place to sit. 5

Research suggests that the chair you choose in the classroom says a lot about you and your personality. 1

This means it’s a good idea to sit in different place every day.

Next time you miss a lesson, borrow notes from someone who sits here. 3

Es. 2 pag.184.

The article:

1.Criticises students at the back of the classroom. X

2.Suggests that the students on one side usually do well at school. V

3.Is positive about the students in the middle of the classroom. V

4.Says that the best students sit at the front. X

5.Tells readers the best place to sit in the classroom. X

6.Suggests that intelligent students can sit anywhere and do well at school. X

 Es.3 PAG. 185.




SEE              SIGHT



Es. 4 PAG. 185

1.When Ollie takes Helen out for dinner, she always chooses the most expensive thing on the menu.

2.Stevie Wonder, the famous soul singer, is blind. He lost his sight when he was baby.

3.I don’t like Peter. He’s arrogant. He thinks he knows everything about everything.

4.Today in class we had an interesting discussion about politics.

5.We can’t decide if we like Kevin’s new haircut or not. It is certainly very..different.

Es. 5 pag. 185


1.Kerry’s parents paid for her holiday this year. They have always been very generous.



1.Real football fans are loyal to their teams when they are doing well and when they are doing badly.

2.Loyalty is very important for  young men.


1.I really admire Lucy’s modesty. She got fantastic exam results, but she didn’t tell everyone at school.

2.You’re too modest! Your charity work has helped hundreds of people.


1.Most adults think all teenagers are lazy. It’s  just not true. Most of us work very hard.

2.Tim’s not really ill - it’s lazy. He just doesn’t want to do any work.


1.You’re sixteen now and you have to take responsibility for your actions.

2.My parents are looking for a responsible person to look after our garden.


1.Your little sister was very braveat the dentist’s. she didn’t cry or complain.

2.Male Emperor Penguins are well known for their bravery. They look after their eggs for months in the long, cold and dark Antartic winter.


A)Fair = fairness

Selfish = selfishness

 Sensitive = sensitiveness

Honest = honesty

Kind = kindness


B) Fairness is very important in tests and exams.

Young children are naturally selfishness. Their parents teach them to share.

Be careful what you say to Rachel. She’s very sensitiveness

What makes a good friend? Well, honesty is very important.

Thank you very much for all your kindness. I enjoyed staying with you and your family.