Communication » 2LSCA Communication

ENicola - FOCUS NOW 2 Activities pp. 32-33
by ENicola - (2019-12-22)
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Pag. 32 es. 1
In pairs, look at photos A – E on page 33 and match them with headings 1 – 5. Then discuss what you know about Apollo 13.
1. NASA engineers at mission control in Houston D
2. The capsule splashed down in the sea E
3. The launch of Apollo 13 C
4. Earth seen from the moon A
5. Astronauts who were on board the spacecraft B

Pag. 32 es. 2
Read and listen to the text on page 33. Answer the questions.
1. Where was Apollo 13 flying to?
2. Why didn’t it get there?
3. Who helped the astronauts solve the problem?
4. How many days in total did the astronauts spend in space?

1. Apollo 13 was flying to the moon.
2. It din’t get there because for the first two days the spacecraft seemed to be in excellent conditions, when several hours later, the crew heard a loud explosion.
3. The NASA engineers helped the astronauts solve the problem.
4. The astronauts spend in space five days, from April 13th to April 17th.

Pag. 32 es. 3
Read the text again. For questions 1 – 6, choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D.
1. Reg Turnill found out there was a problem with Apollo 13 when he was getting ready for bed.
2. The workers at mission control were planning to walk on the moon.
3. The spacecraft lost most of its fuel very slowly.
4. NASA engineers immediately formed a big team tofix the problem.
5. The main problem on board was very little oxygen and water.
6. Where do you think this text in from? A magazine article.

Pag. 32 es. 4
Match the words in blue in the text with the definitions.
1. thought of/produced – came up with
2. understand – figure out
3. working – on duty
4. not be worried any more – breathe a sigh of relief
5. getting less and less – running out
6. shout happily – cheer
7. doing/talking part in – carrying out

Pag. 32 es.5
Complete the text with the correct form of words from Exercise 4. Then listen and check.
One small step for man
In 1962, US President JF Kennedy promised to put a man on the moon before 1970. It was seven more years before NASA figured out how to do it. In July 1969, when time was running out, three astronauts carried out the historic mission on board Apollo 11. American astronaut Neil Armstrong opened the hatch and became the first man to walk on the moon. In Houston, engineers who were on duty at mission control breathe a sigh of relief when they saw Armstrong step onto the moon. All over the world, people were watching on TV and they cheer as they heard Armstrong say his famous words: ‘That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.’ Armstrong came up with his famous words after landing on the moon.

Pag. 32 es. 6
In pairs, discuss these opinions about space exsploration. Which do you agree with?
• Space exploration is very expensive – we should solve problems on earth first such as poverty and starvation. — I don’t agree, because I think knowledge can’t have limits, even for money.
• The earth’s population is growing – we will need to live on another planet one day. — I agree, because I think it’s a great idea.
• We need space exploration to answer the big questions: are we alone? are there other forms of life out there? — I agree, because I want to know the answer to these questions.

Pag. 32 es. 7
Complete WORD STORE 2E. Match verbs and nouns to make collocations. Then listen, check and repeat.
1. go crazy
2. get home
3. follow events
4. fix a problem
5. raise your hand