Textuality » 3LSCA Interacting

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    3LSCA - WEEK XI - Characterisation in The Prologue to The Canterbury Tales


    X WEEK - STARTING FROM  May10th  to May 17th, 2020

    The knight  


    1. Study Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales at pp. 94-95 from It's Literature. From the Origins to the Romantic Age

    2. Carry out the textual analysis of LORD RANDAL after carrying out the related activities at pp. at pp 96-99

     3. Copy all the new vocabulary of the following pages pp. 84 -90  and pp. 94 - 99 on a word document, study it and be ready to use it in written and oral tests (from It's Literature. From the Origins to the Romantic Age)

    All the activities should be uploaded to the present folder

    SS will be tested orally with 3 questions on the following:

    - Grammar in context (during the dialogue with the teacher  SS are therefore expected to speak correctly and therefore SS should revise all grammar rules from teacher's notes studied so far, connectors included)

    - VOCABULARY about LITERATURE pp. 84-99 from It's Literature. From the Origins to the Romantic Age
    Textual Analysis of all the poems and ballads studied so far (extract from Beowulf included)

    - All Literature studied so far from It's Literature








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