Textuality » 4LSUB Interacting

GCBlasi - Look, my Lord, it comes - exercise from page 161
by GCBlasi - (2020-11-25)
Up to  4LSUB - DAD. Week NOVEMBER 30ieth - December 5th, 2020Up to task document list

Page 161

  • Understanding the text

    It is midnight. King Hamlet’s (1)ghost appears and signals Hamlet to follow him. At the (2) princess’s request, the Ghost finally (3) speaks and says he won’t find (4) peace until his murder is (5) revenged . He reveals that his (6) brother Claudius is his (7) murder and prompts his son to put an (8) end to the usurpation of his (9) crown and o his queen. Yet he recommends not to act against his mother. He takes leave praying Hamlet to (10) remember him.


  • Closer reading

    Ex. 2

    Positive: King, father, royal Dane, my prophetic soul

    Negative: goblin, intents wicked


    Ex. 3

    - strange: deviant

    - foul: offensive to the senses

    - unnatural: against natural order

    Ex 4

    - betrayal: adulterate, traitorous, wit

    - unrestrained/illegitimate sexuality: incestuous, seduce, incest

    - evil: beast: wicked, horrible

    - black magic: witchcraft

    - degraded humanity: power, luxury, shameful lust, seeming-virtuous