Communication » 1LSCA Communication

by MGobbo - (2020-11-26)
Up to  1LSCA - DAD. WEEK From 23rd to November 29th, 2020Up to task document list

Gobbo Michelle Homework

Grammar in Progress

Es. 11 pag. 118

0. Through

1. Across

2. Away from

3. Round

4. To

5. Down

6. To

7. Into

8. Up


Es. 12 pag. 119

0. To

1. Down

2. Across

3. Past

4. Under

5. Upstairs

6. Round

7. Towards

8. Into


Es. 13 pag. 119

0. Through

1. Past

2. Onto

3. Towards

4. Out

5. Below

6. Up

7. Down

8. Out of

9. Onto

10. Away

MORAL: Don't always trust flatterers.


Es. 14 pag. 119

0. Past

1. Down

2. Over

3. Along; down

4. Through; past; past

5. Across; as far as

6. Out of; into


Es. 15 pag. 119

1. You are in the town square. Go to the bus station in front of you, then take the road on you right. Go past the school  and go straight on. Then take the road on your right, go straight on and you are arrived.

2. You are in the town square. Take the road on your left and go straight on. Go past the bakery and take the road on your right. Go straight on and take the road on your right. Then go past the supermarket and you are arrived.

3. You are in the town square. Go to the bus station and the take the road on your left. Go past the post office and you are arrived.

4. You are in the town square. Take the road on your right and go past the chemist's. Then go straight on and go past the'' bar Stella''. Take the road on your left and you are arrived.

5. You are in the town square. Take the road on your left, go straight on, then take the road on your right and you are arrived.


Focus Now

Es. 1 pag. 34

WHAT: a Spanish festival

WHERE: Buñol near Valencia

WHEN: on the last Wednesday, in August


Es. 2 pag. 34

The; a; the; a; the; the; the.


Es. 3 pag. 34

1. X

2. The

3. An

4. The

5. X

6. The

7. A

8. An

9. The

10. A

11. X

12. A


Es. 4 pag. 34

1. I would like to go to the Tomatina festival in Spain, because I think it is fun throwing tomatoes to oder people and try to don't hurt any tomato.

2. In my village there is the ''Zuf'' festival. It's always on the fifth of January. There you can eat sausages, wine and lots of other things.