Textuality » 4LSUB Interacting

SBuiatti - Buiatti To be or not to be analysis
by SBuiatti - (2020-11-29)
Up to  4LSUB - DAD. Week NOVEMBER 30ieth - December 5th, 2020Up to task document list

To be or not to be

Starting from the title the Intelligent reader can understand that this sonnet is a philosophal about life: if it’s better living or dying.

If we want to analize “exist”, that is a synonimous of the word “be”, we can understand it as a something that consists in to have an actual being: this sololoquy propouses an Renaissance’s typical idea of human being.


The sololoquy is about life, the protagounist says it’s better dyrather tant living: he makes some comparisons with the most painful pains: like slings’ and arrows’ wounds, he talks about death’s advantajes like the end of life’s pains or life’s indjustice like proud man’s contumely. Others advantajes that he finds is the fact that the soul goes “shouffles out this mortsl coil”.

A disvantajes that Hamlet finds is that after death, souls have a trip toward to the unknow from anyone can come back describin it as “the undiscover’d country from whose bourn no traveller return”.  

The intelligent reader can divide the sololoquy into six sequences: in the first the protagounist expresses the problem of death that is something unknown while during life people live pains but, at the same time, they live something they know; in the second sequence the protagounist says death is the only solution to human troubles, indeed in the following sequence Hamlet compares death to sleep that are similar only that when we sleep we dream instead after death we don’t know what’s happening; than the protagounist says that suicide is a very brave choice so it must be do when the person lost all his possibilities to be happy and to live.


In the text there are some methaphores to describe life and death, in this soliloquy the rhymes are free because it is reflection and a subject.


This soliloquy has been written to wonder about the meaning of life and death and their importance bcause life is just one and we must live it fully also if it is difficoult, because we can’t know what’s after that: so if after that there isn’t anything and a person who commits a suicide risks to lose all the occasions and to waste life. During life there could be moments when everyone feels like a loser or as if the world fall on him buti t isn’t like this: we hav people who love us so we must live it fully and consider bad situations as moments of growth.