Textuality » 3LSCA Interacting

SBosich - glossary of useful expressions to write about literature
by SBosich - (2020-12-10)
Up to  3LSCA - DAD. Week from 9th to 12th December, 2020Up to task document list
  • Kind of text: What sort of text is it?

*narration, description, advertisement, report, brochure, instruction manual, conversation, dialogue, discussion, interview, song, poem, cartoon, photograph, letter, comic, story, fairy tale, short story

Contents: What does the text tell us?  (This * is about 1) The 2) tells the (3) about 1) reports on (1) deals with (1)


(1)    the question wh.., the problem of .... ing, the advantages and disadvantages of…

(2)    narrator, author, advertiser, reporter, persons, interviewer, song writer, poet, cartoonist, photographer, letter writer, storyteller

(3)    the reader, the listener, us, the viewer,

  • Setting: Where and when does the action take place? (The setting of the * is in (4) / near (4) The action takes place in (5) / during the time when (5) in an atmosphere of (6)

(4)    places: at school, In Sydney

(5)    time: (5) in the morning of a bright day, in July, in 1999, · atmosphere: in an atmosphere of (6) peacefulness, calmness, in an unfriendly / friendly / tense / hostile atmosphere, in the .. world of

  • Characters: Who are the main / minor characters? (The main characters are (7) because... His/her feelings/reasons/ motives are (8))

(7) Characteristics of the characters: clever - stupid, interesting - boring, lazy - hard-working, difficult - simple, honest - dishonest, sensible - careless, strong - weak, fair - unfair, friendly - unfriendly, independent - dependent, happy - unhappy, lucky - unlucky

(8) Feelings of the characters:  realistic, understandable, hard to understand

  • Plot: Into how many parts can the text be divided? Find a heading to each paragraph. Is there a development (beginning, climax, turning point, ending) ? (The text can be divided into ... parts. The first part is about... The turning point / the climax is reached when…The story is told from ........'s point of view. The story shows some positive/ negative aspects of ...)


  • Message: (The author's point of view): What are the main points? What's the problem? Which solution is suggested or formulated? (The main points are..... In line .... it says for example that.. Some questions can't be answered for example why ......


  •  Your point of view (Your opinion) What do you think about the text? Give reasons.: Which impressions do you have? Give quotations. What's your view of the matter? ( I find the * (9) because it reminds me of ... My first impression was that ......., but later .... In my opinion the *is right when he/she says that ....)