Textuality » 3LSCA Interacting

OSponza - DAD WEEK V - Snowdrops Analysis
by OSponza - (2020-12-13)
Up to  3LSCA - DAD. Week from 9th to 12th December, 2020Up to task document list




Do you know what I was, how I lived?  You know what despair is; then

winter should have meaning for you.


I did not expect to survive,

earth suppressing me. I didn't expect

to waken again, to feel

in damp earth my body

able to respond again, remembering

after so long how to open again

in the cold light

of earliest spring--


afraid, yes, but among you again

crying yes risk joy


in the raw wind of the new world.


Sai cosa ero, come vivevo? Sai

cos'è la disperazione; allora l'

inverno dovrebbe avere un significato per te.


Non mi aspettavo di sopravvivere, la

terra mi sopprimeva. Non mi aspettavo

di svegliarmi di nuovo, di sentire

nella terra umida il mio corpo in

grado di rispondere di nuovo, ricordando

dopo tanto tempo come riaprirsi

alla fredda luce

della prima primavera -


paura, sì, ma tra voi ancora

piangendo si rischia la gioia


nel vento crudo del nuovo mondo.


The object of the present work is to discuss and analyze the poem “Snowdrops” by lens of views.


The poem focuses the reader’s attention thanks to its irregular pattern. There are some shortest stanzas and some longest stanzas. I recognized that the word “Snowdrops” isn’t into the text, but then I shared the meaning of the word “Snowdrop” I understand that it is the flower and I expect that it is the speaking voice of the present poem. This flower is simple, white and pure. It transmits purity and ease. The posture of these flower is almost crumbling as well as the earth that suppressed the flower had remained scars.


The text is a poem addressed to the reader. To tell the truth the intelligent reader maybe curios to find out the reason why the speaking voice is writing to the reader and why the speaking voice associates all word to the nature and the earth, perhaps because indicates something and that may provide a sense of static. It follows that the analysis of the poem is meant to discover the message the speaking voice wants to send the reader.


In order to rage the goal, the present work will be developed and structural analysis word and on a second moment will consider how connotative chooses add to meaning.


Just considering the layout the text is arranged into four stanzas. The first stanza is a tercet, the second stanza has eight lines, the third has two lines and, the four and last stanza has only one line. This confusion is connected with the interior confusion into the poet. I think that the second and last stanza are the most important in all of poem because the second stanza is longest than other, perhaps because he wants to extend the lines as though the season when the earth suppressed it. I think that the is as much important because he uses the expression “new word”, I think that he uses this expression to communicate that when it waken again, for it is as a new life.


From a structure of point of view, the intelligent reader wants to understand the reason why the poet has organized the stanza in this way. To tell the truth the first stanza has the function to introduce the object of the poem, in the second stanza there is the experience of the speaking voice and the third and last stanzas have the function of conclusion.


Now moving forward with the analysis of the first stanza. Firstly, the expressions “Do you know how I lived?” through which the poem refers directly to the reader involves him and mentally transfers him into his situation. Secondly the word “Despair” become an essential element in the stanza because conveys the speaker’s feelings. As a consequence, the reader can say it represents the key word of the stanza. In addition, the reference to winter in the third line refers to a physical condition, characterized by lot of pain. Even verb tenses play a fundamental role in the analysis of the poem. The use of the conditional “Should have”, indeed, conveys a supposition and makes the reader reflect on his past life.


In the second stanza the key words are “expect” and “respond”, because the flower, after the cold season, it “wakes again”. The expression “I did not expect to survive, earth suppressing me” postpones that “survive” is almost a present. The feeling of surprised is so strong, that the expression “I did not expect to” is repeated in both two first lines of the second stanza, creating an anaphoric structure. It is sufficed it to say that even the use of open vowel sounds, for example “Open”, “Light”, “Respond” reminds the idea of freedom and revival. Moreover, in this stanza is repeated the word “again”, this expression indicates that the poet wants to underline the repetition of actions. The poet uses the verb “remembering”. It is a gerund. Gerund is the verb tense to communicate the idea of movement. In the last lines of the second stanza the poet wants to communicate the imagine of a new season, of a new life.


In the third stanza there is an enjambment which, in addition to contribute to the rhythm of the poem, on syntactic level creates a close connection between the two lines.

Moreover, the two lines are connected with the figure of speech of anaphora: indeed, the word “yes” is repeated in both two lines.


Finally, the last stanza is organized into only one line. The speaking voice wants to focuses the reader’s attention on it. In this stanza the poet uses two expression, the first is “raw wind”. It indicates that this wind is obstinate and cold, with this expression the poet wants to highlights that is arrived again the cold season. The second expression is “New world” that reminds to the precedent idea of revival and gives the reader a melancholy feeling because it already knows that it is a loop.


The reader associates the winter to a physical hardship. This poem remembers me when after the night, I wake up and the light that seeps through the window, these lights hurt me, because I was accustomed to the dark.