Communication » 1LSCA Communication

1LSCA - MGobbo - Asynchronous Lesson
by MGobbo - (2020-12-21)
Up to  1LSCA - DAD. WEEK 14th to 23rd December, 2020Up to task document list


Es. 1 pag. 46

1. I think Ella sleeps in beds to try them.

    I think Tommy tries water slides in resorts.

2. Ella tries beds in different places.

    Tommy tries water slides in the resorts.

3. I think Tommy's work is more exciting because it's really fun try water slides.


Es. 3 pag. 46

1. adjective

2. noun

3. noun

4. noun

5. verb

6. noun

7. noun

8. adjective

9. noun


Es. 4 pag. 46

1. A

2. C

3. A

4. B

5. C


Es. 5 pag. 46

1. company

2. salary

3. responsible

4. resorts


Es. 6 pag. 46

1. E

2. T

3. E

4. T

5. E

6. E

7. T

8. T


Es. 7 pag. 46

1. D

2. C

3. C

4. B


Es. 8 pag. 46

The think they have a "deam job" because it's a job that they like and they find it amazing.


Es. 9 pag. 46

I don't like water. B

That job is scary! B

that job is boring. A

I wouldn't like people to see me in my pyjamas. A

It's a very lazy job. A

That job is a lot of fun. B


Es. 10 pag. 46

I would like to be a Maths teacher because I like staying with children and I love Maths, too!

I wouldn't like to be an arrtist because I'm not very good at drawing.


Es. 11 pag. 46

