Textuality » 3LSCA Interacting

ECoren - analysis about song "I wish your peace"
by ECoren - (2021-01-08)
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The object of the present work is to analyze the song: “I wish your peace” by Eagles.


Considering the title of the song I expect to be about a person who wants to forward it to someone.

The intelligent listener will find an important element within the title: the term "Your". This means that the song is dedicated to a particular person. To tell the trooth the intelligent reader may be curious to find out to who the song is addressed.

To desire peace for someone means to love the person for whom peace is desired. being at peace means being at ease with yourself and with others.


Now we have to consider the layout.

The text of the song it not long. It is composed in a singular verse and two stanza with the chorus.

The verse is composed into 8 lines and the chorus in 5 lines that are repeated.

Now moving forward with the analysis of denotative level the reader realizes some important syntax choices.

In the verse first, third, fifth, and seventh line starts with the same expression “I wish you”

Every last terme of these verse rhymes with the last therm of the line that has under.

In addition the first fourth lines terms with open sounds and the last forth terms with hard sounds. Thus the verse can be divided into two parts and than in four if we consider the the rhymes.


The speaking voice wishes the person to whom the song is dedicated peace when you are sad, when you feel alone, when it will be cold and the wind will blow hard.

From here emerges an important element of the song. The one who wrote the song is distant from the person to whom he dedicates it even if he cares about it.


It concerns the chorus, it can be said that the two stanzas that compose it are similar; perhaps because the author cares about this part and wants to fix it in the mind of the listener.

Here the repetition of "I wish you" occurs three times in both stanzas occupied by the chorus.

The two stanzas of the chorus can also be subdivided further. the first two lines of each end with a hard sound while the last three with a vowel sound. In addition last term of last there lines of the choir rhymes.

The third line of the chorus is longer than others. the intelligent reader understands that this syntactic choice is due to the fact that something important is said here. furthermore the third line is in the center of the choir room. This proposition is of a temporal type, the reader at the end of the line has not drawn any conclusions and is therefore forced to continue reading.

Last two lines of the chorus are among the most significant of the text. They are very similar to each other and the term love emerges in them, located at the end of both sentences.