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GMosetti - Labour
by GMosetti - (2021-01-11)
Up to  4LSCA - DAD. WEEK from 7th -15th January 2021Up to task document list

Considering the title the reader may understand the text is about labour market. 

The Italian labour market is different in each region: industrial activity is mainly concentrated in the north while agricùltural and tourism activities in the south. As you know in 2019 there was a sharp decline, mitigated above all by the migratory flows of recent years. As of December 31, 2019, the Italian population was over 60 million. The population density is highest in the following regions: Lombardy, Lazio, Veneto and Liguria. Between 2020 and 2024, there will be a total employment need of between 1.9 and 2.7 million workers. This is demonstrated by the results achieved on the basis of the forecast model of the employment needs developed within the Excelsior Information System by Unioncamere. The model envìsages two possible scenarios. The first foresees an increase in workers while the second a decrease. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, forecasts could change as many companies expect to have problems in the future, especially micro-businesses. In the manufacturing industry, the fashion industry was the hardest hit by the blockade, followed by the wood, furniture and paper industries. The Covid-19 emergency and the consequent border closures have particularly affected seasonal work and the agricultural sector. Subsequently with the decree-law of 19 May 2020 n. 34, the eligibility of the indemnity of 600 euros was confirmed for other categories of workers whose activity or employment relationship had been terminated, reduced or suspended.