Communication » 2LSCA Communication

2LSCA-NSquarzolo- exercise from page 50-51 on Focus now 2
by NSquarzolo - (2021-01-31)
Up to  2LSCA - DDI. WEEK From 1st to 7th February. Up to task document list

Exercise   1   page   50 Focus   now   2

Amoung   the   last   films   I’ve   seen   the   one   I   liked   the   most   is   Bohemian   rhapsody, the   film   of   the   biography   of   Freddie Mercury. His   my   favorite   singer and the Queen   are   my   favourite   band   since I was   little. The   actors   look   a   lot like   real   musicians   and   the   special   effects are   great .This   is   a   drama   and   musical   film and   i   love it!

Exercise   2   page   50   Focus   now 2

The   review   talks     about the   director, the starring, the   tipe   of   film   it   is,   the   place   where   there are   set, the   plot, the   actors , the   special   effects and   it   also   contains   a   personal   thought

Exercise   4   page   50   Focus   now   2





Exercise   5 page 50   Focus   now   2

1-directed   by




5-take   place



8-paper   thin

9-holds   your   attention  




13-I’ve   ever   seen

14-of   all   ages

Exercise   6   pag   51     Focus   now   2

1-directed   by

2-nominated for



5-takes   place


7-this   is

8-a   better   performance

9- ispiring   movie


Writing   on   page   51   Focus   now   2

Among the last films i saw the   one I   liked the   most   was “Bohemian Rahpsody” directed   by Bryan singer, it   released in 2018. This   is a dramatic and musical film. The film is   based on   the life   of Freddie   Mercury.   The film is   about him   from when   he was a child and lived   in Zanzibar whit   his   parents   until at   eighteen when   he   moved   to   England and   Began   studing at University while working   as a baggage   hauler at   the   airport. One   evening, in a pub, he   meet some   guys   who   played in a group   and   he asks them   to   be   their singer and the story   of the Queen begins.

The   film teel how   the group   was   created, how the band writes their   songs and   above   all   about   their   tours   around the world. During   the   film   there   is also   talk of the   disease   that unfourtunately   will   kill   Freddie   Mercury : Aids.

The actor   who interpreting   Freddie   is   spetacular   because he manages   to   imitate him   in   the   smallest   details,   in the movements and in the way of   speaking, also   the   special effects were amazing, in particular   when they   ripoduced a quens concert. I also   like   this   movie   because   it   is a musical   film and   it   involves   me   a lot, I’m   singing   all the   time !

The   other   actors   who   play the members   of the band are   Gwilym Lee, Ben Hardy and Joseph Mazzello. I   recommended   this   film   to   many   people not   only   because   Queen   is   my   favourite   band since I was a child, but   also   because   it   takes   your   attention   from   start to the   end and it   also   talks   about   important   topics   like AIDS. This   film   remainds     one   of   my   favorites and I think   everyone   should   see   it   because   it   was   shot   in honor     of   a rock   legend, although I think   this   is   suitable   for   guys   of my   age or   adults   because   some   topics are   difficult   to   understand.