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1LSCA - BConcettini - Homework for 01.02.2021
by BConcettini - (2021-01-31)
Up to  1LSCA - DAD. WEEK 25th to 31st JanuaryUp to task document list

Beatrice Concettini                                                                                                                               1LSCA

From Focus now 1

Page 210 ex. 1

  1. Are
  2. Does
  3. Doesn’t
  4. Do
  5. Is
  6. Do
  7. am

Page 210 ex. 2

  1. a-meet     b- are meeting
  2. a- is having     b- have
  3. a- is doing   b- do
  4. a- have    b- are having
  5. a- send     b- are sending

Page 210 ex. 3

  1. a- is your mum working today ? b- does your mum work ?
  2. a- is Tom helping you ?   b- do you believe him ? c- what do you want to do later ?
  3. a- what do you do ? b- are you understanding now ?

Page 210 ex. 4

  1. do you earn...
  2. works
  3. loves
  4. is growing
  5. are opening
  6. are looking
  7. are you looking

Page 210 ex. 5

  1. get
  2. stand
  3. need
  4. don’t complain
  5. leave
  6. is opening

Page 211 ex. 1

  1. in
  2. maybe
  3. on
  4. can
  5. on
  6. perhaps
  7. it’s

Page 211 ex. 2

  1. d
  2. a
  3. f
  4. b
  5. e
  6. c

Page 211 ex. 3

  1. shows
  2. are sitting
  3. all wear
  4. I think
  5. Are talking
  6. Is standing
  7. Tells
  8. Don’t like

Page 211 ex. 4

  1. Wearing
  2. Part time
  3. Think
  4. Happy
  5. Asking
  6. Writing
  7. Background
  8. Singing
  10. Perhaps