Textuality » 3LSCA Interacting

SBosich - It's Literature - activities on pp. 90
by SBosich - (2021-02-04)
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Exercises from “It’s literature”

Es 1 pag 90

The main character of this poem is a woman very unconventional for her times. She likes to be on the centre of the attention and to obtain this goal she wears colourful, extravagant and precious clothes and has a strange behaviour. The woman of Bath has a bold, handsome and red in hue face and enjoys the pleasures of life, as wandering and being with men. The character is very skilled in creating clothes, she bettered those of Ypres and of Ghent. In conclusion the woman of Bath is a bit deaf, that’s a pity.

Es 2 pag 90

  1. In the Chaucer’s description is repeated twice the colour red, that’s usually associated to the passion and the anger.
  2. Bossy and strong-willed
  3. Expensive and eye-catching
  4. The detail adds by Chaucer that disturb the imagine is expressed by the 18th.
  5.  In the description of the woman there aren’t references to any child. The absence of children may suggest the impatience of the main character of the poem.

Es 3 pag 90

  1. The poet employs two times the adjective worthy, in the first and the fifteenth lines.
  2. I think that the poet with this adjective takes on an ironic connotation.
  3. “put out of charity”: If someone come to the altar first than her, she loses any benevolence.

“she was skilled in wandering by the way”: often wasted time wandering

  1. The poet never criticizes the woman’s behaviour
  2. The poet uses the expressions “Appart of” in the 17th line, “forsooth” in the 18th, “by the way” in the 24th and “truth to say” in 25th.
  3. Chaucer’s tone is humorous, informal, playful and ironic

Es 4 pag 90

  1. Unconventional
  2. Showy
  4. feminine
  5. Strong and emancipated
  6. Travelling
  7. Ironic
  8. Contradicts