Textuality » 4LSUB Interacting

by RAKumar - (2021-02-18)
Up to  4LSUB - DDI. WEEK from 18th to 27th February, 2021Up to task document list


In this argumentative text I will speak about Henry VIII’s reign and all the things he did.

In 1485 the Civil War between the families of York and Lancasters ended with Henry VIII’s victory and with him the Tudor dynasty started. . His reign lived a period of peace and prosperity and new classes began to emerge: the gentry, the yeomen and the merchants. He followed imperialistic dreams and wanted to have all of the power for himself and this is why ministers were hardly allowed to interfere with his decision.

He was married to e Catherine of Aragon, aunt to the Spanish emperor Charles V but he wanted to divorce her because he knew that the Church owned large estates and he wanted all the money of the Church. In addiction, Catherine couldn’t give him a male child and he wanted to have him because he wanted a male heir. He wanted to marry Anne Boleyn and asked the Pope to declare his marriage null but The Pope refused his request because he needed the support of Charles V against the Lutherans. Henry then proclaimed himself Head of the Church of England rejecting the authority of the Church of Rome. In 1534 he summoned Parliament and made it pass the “Act of Supremacy” by which the King was confirmed Supreme Head of the Church of England and Protestantism was recognized as the State Religion. He was now able to divorce his wife and marry Anne Boleyn. All Englishmen were required to take an oath, known as the “Oath of Supremacy”, by which they accepted the rejection of the Pope’s authority and recognized the marriage to Anne Boleyn as lawful. Those who refused to oath were condemned to death on charge of high treason and among them there was his Prime Minister and friend Sir Thomas More. Henry closed the monasteries and confiscated their properties giving them to protestant families that made up the new Tudor aristocracy. Through this decision the Universities took the place of monasteries as seats of learning.

Even after getting married to Anne Boleyn he couldn’t have a male heir because his wife gave birt to a female chilld, Elizabeth I.