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1LSAB - NFain - DDI. for 19th February, 2021
by NFain - (2021-02-18)
Up to  1LSAB - DDI. WEEK from 18th to 27th February, 2021Up to task document list

Grammar In Progress


Page 275


Exercise 6

  1. Complex             more complex
  2. heavy                   heavier
  3. strong                  stronger
  4. big                         bigger
  5. dangerous         more dangerous
  6. busy                     busier
  7. noble                    nobler
  8. peaceful             more peaceful
  9. short                    shorter
  10. kind                      kinder
  11. polite                   more polite
  12. happy                  happier


exercise 7

  1. A thriller is more compelling than a comedy.
  2. Silk is smoother than cotton.
  3. Your cats are fatter than mine!
  4. Your town is more chaotic than our village.
  5. Kevin is shorter than his sister.
  6. Aren’t you happier today than yesterday?
  7. Alex is more tolerant than Megan.
  8. Today it’s drier than yesterday.


Exercise 8

  1. In a football team there are more players than in a basketball team.
    football team = squadre di football
    players = giocatori
    basketball team = squadre di basketball
  2. When you play baseball you must run faster than when you play golf.
    to play = giocare
    baseball = baseball
    run = correre
    golf = golf
  3. You use more energy in a squash game than in a tennis game.
    energy = energie
    squash game = squash
    tennis game = tennis
  4. Rugby is a more dynamic sport than fishing.
    rugby = rugby
    dynamic = dinamico
    fishing = pesca sportiva
  5. Gym instructors are generally more demanding than fitness instructors.
    gym instructors = istruttori di palestra
    demanding = esigente
    fitness instructors = istruttori di fitness
  6. You need more balance for climbing than for swimming.
    balance = equilibrio
    climbing = arrampicata sportive
    swimming = nuoto
  7. His father was a champion, but Ralph is winning more races than him!
    champion = campione
    to win = vincere
    race = gara
  8. Before a competition you must relax and breathe slower than during the competition itself.
    competition = competizione
    breathe = respirare


Exercise 9

I love Assen, Mugello and Silverstone. Silverstone is 5,891 metres long, about 600 metres longer than Mugello. Assen is shorter than them as it is just 4,555 metres long. Silverstone has 18 bends, 1 bend more than Assen, but I think Assen is more changeling as it is a circuit only used for motorbikes, while Silverstone and Mugello are for cars, too. Mugello doesn't have as many bends as Assen and Silverstone but it has a longer straight section than them: 1,141 metres! Assen and Silverstone are older than Mugello. Mugello was opened in 1974 and was renovated in 1991 and I believe it is a bit safer than the other two circuits. From the point of view of the location, my favourite circuit is Mugello. It's in the Tuscany countryside and it's more beautiful than the other two. And Italian fans love this track!


Exercise 10

  1. Amo il mare e penso che nuotare sia più salutare (healthy) che sciare.
    I love the sea and I think swimming is healthier than ski.
  2. Le moto sono più veloci delle auto ma non sono più pericolose di esse.
    Motorbikes are faster than cars but they are more dangerous than them.
  3. Il ferro pesa (weigh) di più della lana, ma un chilo di ferro pesa quanto un chilo di lana.
    Iron weight more than wool, but a kilogram of iron wight as much as a kilogram of wool.
  4. Simona e Alessia lavorano nello stesso negozio, ma Simona è più gentile con (nice to) i clienti (customers).
    Simona and Alessia work in the same shop, but Simona is more nice to customers
  5. Questa canzone è più commovente dell’altra e mi ricorda (remind of) una persona che ho amato molto.
    This song is more moving than the other one and reminds of a person who I love much.
  6. Ci sono più servizi (facilities) dove vivi tu di dove vivo io ed è anche una zona più pulita e tranquilla della mia.
    There are more facilities where you live than wher I live and it is a zone more clean and more quiet than mine.


Exercise 11

  1. Sia in italiano che in inglese, nel fare un comparativo di uguaglianza non è importante fare attenzione se si sta usando un nome singolare o plurale, perché in entrambi i casi il comparativo si costruisce nello stesso modo:Trains is faster than cars / that train is faster than that car; i treni sono più veloci delle auto / quel treno è più veloce di quella macchina
  2. In inglese, quando costruisco il comparativo di maggioranza di un avverbio, devo fare attenzione se è uguale alla fora aggettivale o se finisce in -ly: nel primo caso si costruisce con avverbio + -er + than, mentre nel secondo caso si costruisce con more + avverbio + than. In italiano, invece, devo considerare che tipo di avverbio è: posso costruire il comparativo solo con gli avverbi di modo.
  3. I have got a room that it is more beautiful than yours. Bisogna fare attenzione al verbo e separare le due frasi (la frase che dice che ho una camera e la frase che dice chela mia camera e più bella della tua)