Textuality » 4LSUB Interacting

Fabbro_listening activity_8th March
by JFabbro - (2021-03-08)
Up to  4LSUB - DAD. From Monday 8th to Saturday 13th March, 2021Up to task document list

Listening activity

A talk about motivation




  1. We try to motivate workers in the same way that we try to motivate our children. TRUE
  2. In the Glucksberg experiment, the people who were offered a reward finished faster than people who were not offered one. TRUE
  3. The people who were offered smaller rewards in Ariely's experiment performed better than those offered bigger rewards. FALSE TRUE
  4. In Ariely's experiment, people were more creative when they were concentrating on achieving a goal. TRUE FALSE

5. In the future, jobs will require workers to be more creative. TRUE

6. People always work better when they start the day later and work into the night. FALSE


Total score is 4 out of 6 (67%)



Glucksberg's experiment shows that people solve a problem faster when THEY ARE NOT GIVEN AN INCENTIVE


Ariely's experiment shows that people are less creative when THEY ARE OFFERED A BIGGER REWARD


The same results as Glucksberg's experiment have been found when THE EXPERIMENT IS REPEATED


An incentive works for people when THEY ARE DOING A SIMPLE TASK


Incentives will no longer work for motivating people at work when THEY ARE DOING THE JOBS OF THE FUTURE


The example of the big tech companies shows that people work better when THEY CAN MAKE CHOICES ABOUT THEIR WORK


Total score is 6 out of 6 (100%)