Textuality » 4LSUB Interacting

Fabbro_reading activity_8th March
by JFabbro - (2021-03-08)
Up to  4LSUB - DAD. From Monday 8th to Saturday 13th March, 2021Up to task document list

Reading activity




to be exactly the same as TO MIRROR


to happen before a later event TO PRE-DATE


a difficult thing that stands in your way, a challenge AN OBSTACLE


someone who acts as a teacher and guide to help you in your life A MENTOR


to travel across a line or border TO CROSS


the line between one place and another A THRESHOLD


Total score is 6 out of 6 (100%)



  1. Joseph Campbell's original book cover has links to the Star Wars films. FALSE
  2. The Ancient Greeks also based their stories on Campbell's ideas. FALSE
  3. Other film directors after George Lucas have carefully followed the hero myth structure. TRUE
  4. Obi-Wan Kenobi sends Luke a message and starts his adventure. TRUE FALSE
  5. The hero is always willing to accept the call to adventure. FALSE
  6. The hero often finds strength from some kind of loss. TRUE


Total score is 5 out of 6 (83%)