Textuality » 4LSUB Interacting

E.Macor-4LSUB-DAD-WEEK 8th to 13th-MARCH
by EMacor - (2021-03-09)
Up to  4LSUB - DAD. From Monday 8th to Saturday 13th March, 2021Up to task document list

Translation of "The sun in rising"

Occupato vecchio sciocco, disordinato sole, perchè tu in questo mondo c risvegli attraverso le finestre e attraverso le tende? Le stagioni degli amanti devono passare attraverso i tuoi movimenti? Sfacciato, vai a scocciare gli scolari in ritardo e gli immaturi apprendisti, vai a dire ai cacciatori di corte che il re andrà a cavallo, chiama le formiche di campagna al raccolto; l'amore, sempre lo stesso, non conosce stagioni, nè il clima, nè le ore, i giorni, i mesi, che sono dei frammenti del tempo. Perchè dovresti pensare che i tuoi raggi sono così solenni e forti? Posso eclissarli e offuscarli con un battito d ciglia, eccetto che io non vorrei perdere il suo sguardo così a lungo. Se i suoi occhi non avessero accecato i tuoi, guarda, e domani al più tardi dimmi se entrambe le indie di spezie e miniere. Sono dove tu le hai lasciate o giacciono qui con me; chiedi per quei re che tu vedesti ieri e sentirai: tutti qui in un letto giacciono. Lei è tutti gli stati e io tutti i principi; non esiste nient'altro. I principi nn fanno altro che recitare le nostre parti tutte le imitazioni dell'onore, tutte uno scherzo dell'alchimia. Tu, sole, sei felice la metà d noi perchè il mondo è così racchiuso. La tua vecchia età richiede una pausa e poiché i tuoi doveri sono di riscaldare il mondo tu devi riscaldarci riscalda noi e tu sarai dappertutto questo letto sarà il tuo centro, la tua sfera.


Analysis of "The sun rising"
The verse one begins with the orator in bed with his mistress, complaining about his radiant rays. Donne uses expressions such as "Busy old fool" and "Saucy Pedantic Wretch" to describe his discomfort; the poem’s orator questions the sun’s motives and wishes the sun to go away, so that he and his mistress can stay in bed.

Women are tapping into human emotions in personifying the sun, and showing how men behave when they’re in love with each other. Women in the poem says that, for him and his mistress, time is the enemy. It asks, in other words, "why lovers must be controlled by the sun". At this point then the poet tells the sun to disturb someone else, like the late schoolchildren and the acid apprentices, or the hunters of the court, and that love knows no season, climate, hour , day, or month.

In the second verse, the speaker is saying that the sun believes that its rays are strong, but in reality Donne could "eclipse" them and "nod them in a wink". Although he can protect his eyes from the sun, he does not want to do so because it means that he would also screen his eyes from his lover: "But I would not lose his sight so long". Women proclaims to rebuke the sun and tells him to prepare, to return the next day, wants the sun to tell him if all the kings, queens, riches and gold of the world are still out there or lying on the bed next to him. Towards the end of the verse the speaker confirms: "Ask those kings whom you saw yesterday, and you will hear, all here in a bed lay", his mistress is above all riches and gold that he might ever want.

In the last verse the orator tries to calm his anger by praising his mistress. She is her world and when she is in bed with her she is in a "microcosm of bliss". He concludes in his concern for the age of the sun; all that the sun does well is to warm the world and its lovers; once this is done, then his work is finished. She is her whole world, and since the sun shines on the bed as they lie together, then it also shines on the whole world.