Communication » 2LSCA Communication

2LSCA - Delcuratolo - Grammar in progress - activities on pp. 413-414-415
by SDelcuratolo - (2021-03-13)
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Grammar in Progress

Es. 1 pag. 413

1) tell       2) told        3) told         4) telling        5) told        6) say          7) says        8) have just told

Es. 2

1) tell        2) said        3) just told        4) said        5) ‘ll tell          6) saying         7) tell         8) said

Es. 3

seat belt=cintura di sicurezza, first gear=prima marcia, ring road=tangenziale, driving lesson=lezione di guida, rear view mirror=specchietto retrovisore, handbrake=freno a mano, driving school=scuola guida, steering wheel=volante, clutch=frizione, windscreen=parabrezza

1) say        2) said         3) say       4) told         5) seat belt         6) told         7) handbrake          8) steering wheel          9) first gear         10) he told         11) didn’t said         12) told         13) clutch        14) windscreen         15) said        16) always told        17) rear view         18) Don’t tell        19) ring road          20) driving school

Es. 5

1) speak       2) talking        3) Speak        4) talk        5) talk         6) talk         7) speaks        8) talking  

Es. 6

1) didn’t talk        2) are you talking        3) to talk        4) speaks         5) speaks         6) spoke        7) talking       8) is spoken        9) always talk         10) talk, to speak

Es. 7

1) said        2) tell        3) could speak         4) to talk       5) just told        6) tell         7) said        8) have they been talking         9) is speaking        10) don’t say

Es. 8

1) talk        2) telling        3) say         4) are you talking         5) saying         6) ‘m telling         7) talking        8) said        9) tell         10) say

Es. 9

1) “I’m late. Can you pick me up in my office?” he told us.

2) Joan said he didn’t like the film about Julius Caesar because it was very imprecise about the historical facts.

3) Michela had been talking to her boyfriend since hours. He was telling her that their relationship couldn’t go on and she was saying him that she couldn’t live without him.

4) I never understand what my father in law says because he talks a dialect I don’t know!

5) A: I’ve the Chinese exam next month. You think Uncle Luke can help me? B: Obviously! He speaks Chinese perfectly and he dosen’t work in this period.

6) A: Can you tell me the exact time please? B: I’m sorry, my clock dosen’t work.

7) A: Could I speak with the principal? B: He isn’t here today. What do you have to tell him?

8) A: Why were you talking about me when I entered the classroom? B: You’re wrong, we weren’t talking about you!

Es. 10

1) In inglese il verbo cambia in base alla presenza o assenza del complemento di termine. La frase si tradurrebbe: “I’m going to the cinema tomorrow”, Amy told me / said Amy.

2) La differenza sta nella presenza o assenza del complemento di termine. Se nella frase principale è presente il complemento oggetto si usa tell; se nella frase principale non è presente si usa say. Examples:

The demon under my bed told me he wanted to play cards with me.

The demon under my bed said he wanted to play cards with me.

3) Gli si rivolge usando “I need to talk to you” perché il dialogo informale si esprime con il verbo talk.