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1LSAB - ANalon - DAD. WEEK from 22nd to 28th March, 2021
by ANalon - (2021-03-24)
Up to  1LSAB - DAD. WEEK from 22nd to 28th March, 2021Up to task document list



Pages 67, 119, 121



page 67

Tha post office is open till/until 5.30 in the evening.

1.I study 3 hours a day from Monday to Friday.

2.Send me a text confirmation within half an hour.

3.Paul gets to work by 8.30 every morning.

4.Please, hand in your homework before the bell.

5.You must bring the library book back in a month from today.

6.A Where’s Hollie? B She is away for a week.

7.Hermione and Jen like chatting outside after school.

8.She never comes home for lunch during the weekend.


page 67

June is after May.

1.I'm often very tired at the end of the week.

2.My sister always reads until bedtime.

3.My grandfather can't see very well and he doesn't drive by night.

4.We must deliver this project within three days.

5.I need some apples. Then I need some flour and sugar.

6.Nowadays it's really important to speak at least two foreign languages.

7.Please, can you come between 4 and 6 p.m.?

8.I'm busy at the moment. Can we talk later?


page 67

Brandon always goes camping from July 10th to July 18th.

Go camping: andare in campeggio

1.During the guided of the museum, you cannot take photographs.

Take photographs: fare fotografie

2.The tournament ends within three days’ time

3.We often watch a DVD and eat popcorn after dinner.

Watch a DVD: guardare un DVD

4.I always have breakfast before school.

5.Will often reads comics and magazines and then he does his homework.

Reading comics and magazines: leggere fumetti e riviste

6.Hey, get that essay finished by tonight!

7.In the end all Disney films have a happy outcome.

8.Nowadays, a lot of teachers use technology in the classrooms.


page 67

1.Dopo la Lezione di inglese, vado in piscina con mia Sorella.

After the English lesson, I go to the pool with my sister.

2.Anton va sempre in (to) Montagna durante le sue vacanze invernali.

Anton always goes to mountain during his Winter holidays.

3.Mi piace giocare a carte con i miei amici nel fine settimana. 3. I like to play cards with my friends in the end of the week

4.Mia Zia fa sempre una grande festa a casa sua per l'ultimo dell'anno.

My Aunt always has a big party at her house for New Year’s Eve.

5.Devo terminare la mia relazione entro la fine del mese. 5. I must finish my report by the end of the month.

6.Kate fa una Passeggiata con le sue colleghe dopo pranzo, ma solo il martedì e il giovedì.

Kate takes a walk with her colleagues after lunch, but only on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

7.In Italia molti musei e gallerie d'arte sono aperti tra le 10 e le 18, dal lunedì al sabato.

In Italy a lot of museums and art galleries are open between 10 and 18, from Monday to Saturday.

8.A Matt, la biblioteca è aperta il sabato? B Credo che sia aperta solo la mattina, fino alle 12.30.

A Matt, is the Library open on Saturdays? B I think it is open only in the morning, until 12.30.




page 67

1.Come si chiede in inglese la frequenza con cui si svolge qualcosa? E in italiano?

Si chiede con “How often”, mentre in italiano con “quanto spesso”.

2.Quale pronome personale soggetto e quale verbo si usano per esprimere l’ora in inglese? Che differenze ci sono con l’italiano?

“What time is it?”. In italiano si dice “che ora è?” e non “che tempo è?”

3.Sono presso la polizia di Brighton per raccontare che nel cuore della notte sono stata svegliata da uno sparo. Che cosa uso nella mia descrizione, at night o in the night? Perche?

Uso at night, perché in inglese “nella notte” si traduce at night.

4.Daniela deve scrivere una lettera a un fornitore americano affinché la merce le sia inviata entro 2 settimane. Per indicare la scadenza, deve usare by o within? Perche?

Deve usare within perché la scadenza è entro un periodo di tempo e non un momento preciso.




The bus is going through a very dark tunnel.

1.Those girls are swimming across the river.

2.Why are those boys away from the policeman?

3.The athletes are running round the track.

4.We always go to the shops early in the morning.

5.Be careful! Don't run down the hill! The path is muddy.

6.It's late! We must run to the bus stop!

7.Come on, let's go into that hut! It's snowing hard.

8.Look at those balloons going over the trees!



page 119

I like to go to the supermarket at lunchtime. It's not crowded at that time of the day.

1.We are doing a cycling tour of Italy. Today we are travelling from Venice down to Bologna.

2.Some people think that when a black cat walks across the road in front of you, it is unlucky.

3.It's easy. You walk past the bank and the shoe shop and the café is on the left.

4.During the earthquake simulation drill in class, we have to get under our desks.

5.Hey Ella, when we finish our homework we can go upstairs and play the drums. Mum's out shopping!

6.There are about thirteen thousand satellites orbiting round the Earth.

7.A Oh help, Emma! Sam's coming towards me! B Just relax, Zoe! He's only human!

8.Shhh Emily, and don't go into the living room! Dad’s studying for a test.


page 119

A crafty fox is walking through the forest when he sees a crow flying past him. The crow flies onto a branch of a tree and the fox walks towards the tree. He notices that she has a nice piece of cheese in her beak. "Hmm..." thinks the fox. “How can I get that piece of cheeseout of her mouth?” He sits down below the branch and looks up at the crow. "What a beautiful bird I see in the tree!" says the fox, "What beautiful feathers! I am sure her voice is beautiful too." The crow looks down at the fox and she is so happy that she opens her beak to sing for the fox. “Caw! Caw!” she cries, and cheese drops out of her mouth and onto the ground. The fox snaps up the cheese and runs away at top spend! What is the moral? Don’t always trust treacherous.



page 119

A Excuse me, where's the children's playground? B It's in the park. Go past the station and turn left.

1.Go along Abbey Road and turn right. The bookshop is on the corner.

2.Walk over the pretty stone bridge in the town centre.

3.The stadium? down this road, go past the traffic lights and then follow the singer!

4.Walk down the path, go through the woods and past the pond. The kiosk is on the right.

5.A Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the taxi rank? B Go across then main road to the other side, keep walking as far as the fountain and the taxi in there.

6.I think you are going the wrong way for the city centre. This road is taking us out of instead of into it!

7.Playground = cortile/ parco giochi Park = parco Station = stazione Bookshop = libreria Bridge = ponte Town centre = centro città Stadium = stadio Kiosk = chiosco Taxi rank = stazione dei taxi Fountain = Fontana City centre = centro città



page 121

The goods arrive c at the warehouse next Monday. Tell Alan to be ready for the quality control.

1.My mother arrives a home late from work. So Dad usually makes dinner.

2.When you live b at home with your parents you learn things that will be very useful in the future.

3.I hate getting onto the bus during rush hour.

4.Take the Tube for Portobello Market. There are two stops near it. You can get off at Ladbroke Grove or Notting Hill Gate.

5.Melanie always arrives b at appointment on time. You can set your watch by her!

6.A Excuse me please. Can you tell me when to get b off the bus for the cathedral? B Yes, the next stop.


page 121

I always leave my key at home.

1.Get fast! Those automatic doors are really dreadful!

2.Every time I get on the boat, I’m sick.

3.Hi, everyone! I'm home

4.Bye guys, l'm getting off at the next stop!

5.Can you help Claire get on her horse, please?

6.Come round when you like. I'm home all day.

7.Look! That kitten can't get off that wall.

8.Exams are over. I'm going home tomorrow morning.



page 121

Kelly is in London and wants to visit the city.

Go by Tube!/Travel on the Tube! The London underground is very reliable and it takes you everywhere!

1.Maddy would like to go from New York to San Francisco. She has a lot of time to spend there.

Go by plane! Because it’s fast.

2.Ted and Melanie are in a small medieval village in France.

Go by motorbike! Because it can take you everywhere in the medieval village.

3.Lucio is in Paris and wants to go to London but he’s afraid of flying.

Go by ship!

4.Sarah is on the Greek island of Santorini. She loves the see and she wants to see the nearby islands.

Go by boat!

5.Francine is in Spain, in Seville, and she wants to visit Andalusia.

Go by car!

6.Gordon is in New York and he wants to see the Statue of Liberty.

Go by boat.

7.Jamie is in Salina, a small island in the south of Italy. The street there are very narrow.

Go by bike!

8.Diego is in Rome and he must reach Hong Kong for a job interview as soon as possible.



page 121

1.Ehi! Bambini! Non salite in auto con quelle scarpe sporche!

Hey! Kids! Don’t get in the car with those dirty shoes!

2.Quando viaggio in metropolitana, controllo sempre dove sono. Così so dove scendere.

When I travel on the Tube, I always check where I am. So I know where to get off.

3.Non mi piace viaggiare in treno, è troppo lento, ma amo viaggiare in aereo.

I don’t like to travel by train, it’s too slow, but I love to travel by plane.

4.A Alex sa andare in moto? B No, ma sta imparando.

Does Alex can to ride a motorbike? B No, but he’s learning.

5.A Vai al lavoro in auto domani? B Sì. Perché lo chiedi?

A Are you going to work in the car tomorrow? B Yes. Why do you ask?

6.A Come andrai a Capri da Napoli? B Con Il'aliscafo, anche se è molto caro.

A How will you go to Capri from Naples? B By hidrofoil, although it is very expensive.

7.A che ora arriva il traghetto al porto? B Arriva al porto la mattina presto, ma non ricordo preciso.

What time does the ferry arrive at the port? B Arrives at the port early in the morning, but I don’t remember exactly.

8.A Perché parti con il treno? Di solito viaggi in auto e non prendi mai il treno ... B Sì, hai ragione, ma vado a un convegno in un hotel che è proprio di fronte alla stazione ferroviaria e così non ho problemi per parcheggiare la mia auto.

8. Why are you leaving the train? You usually go by car and you never take the train B Yes, you’re right, but I go to a conference in a hotel that is right in front of the train station and so I have no problem parking my car.