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1LSAB - NFain - DAD. for 9th April 2021
by NFain - (2021-04-08)
Up to  1LSAB - DAD. Week from Monday 29th March to Friday April 9th, 2021Up to task document list

Grammar in Progress


Page 67


Exercise 43

  1. I study 3 hours a day from Monday to Friday.
  2. Send me a text confirmation in half an hour.
  3. Paul gets to work by 8.30 every morning.
  4. Please, hand in your homework before the bell.
  5. You must bring the library book back within a month from today.
  6. A: Where is Hollie? B: She is away for a week.
  7. Hermione and Jen like chatting outside after school.
  8. She never comes home for lunch during the week


Exercise 44

  1. I’m often very tired at the end of the week.
  2. My sister always reads until bedtime.
  3. My grandfather can’t see very well and he doesn’t drive by night.
  4. We must deliver this project within three days.
  5. I need some apples. Then I need some flour and sugar.
  6. Nowadays it’s really important to speak at least two foreign languages.
  7. Please, can you come between 4 and 6 p.m.?
  8. I’m busy at the moment. Can we talk later?


Exercise 45

  1. During the guided tour of the museum, you cannot take photographs.
    take photographs = fare foto
  2. The tournament ends in three days’ time.
    tournament = torneo
  3. We often watch a DVD and eat popcorn after dinner.
    watch a DVD = guardare un DVD
  4. I always have breakfast before school.
  5. Will often reads comics and magazines and then he does his homework.
    reads comics and magazines = leggere fumetti e riviste
  6. Hey, get that essay finished within tonight!
    essay = tema
  7. Today all Disney films have a happy outcome.
    happy outcome = lieto fine
  8. Nowaday, a lot of teachers use technology in the classroom.
    classroom = classe


Exercise 46

  1. Dopo la lezione di inglese, vado in piscina con mia sorella.
    After the English lesson, I’m going to the swimming pool with my sister.
  2. Anton va sempre in montagna durante le sue vacanze invernali.
    Anton always go to the mountain during his winter holidays.
  3. Mi piace giocare a carte con i miei amici nel fine settimana.
    I like playing cards with my friends during the weekend
  4. Mia zia fa sempre una grande festa a casa sua per l’ultimo dell’anno.
    My aunt always have a big party at her house for the New Year’s Eve
  5. Devo terminare la mia relazione entro la fine del mese.
    I must finish my report within the end of the month.
  6. Kate fa una passeggiata con le sue colleghe dopo pranzo, ma solo il martedì e il giovedì.
    Kate takes a walk with her colleagues after lunch, but only on Tuesday and Thursday
  7. In Italia molti musei e gallerie d’arte sono aperti tra le 10 e le 18, dal lunedì al sabato.
    In Italy a lot of museum and art galleries are open between 10 and 18, from Monday to Saturday.
  8. A: Matt, la biblioteca è aperta il sabato?
    B : Credo che sia aperta solo la mattina, fino alle 12.30.
    A: Matt, is the library open on Saturday?
    B: I think it is open only on the morning, until 12.30.


Exercise 47

  1. Come si chiede in inglese la frequenza con cui si svolge qualcosa? E in italiano?
    Per chiedere la frequenza con cui si svogle qualcosa, in inglese si usa l’espressione “how often” mentre in italiano “quanto spesso”.
  2. Quale pronome personale soggetto e quale verbo si usano per esprimere l’ora in inglese? Che differenze ci sono con l’italiano?
    In inglese si usa il pronome it abbinato al verbo to be, mentre in italiano si il soggetto della frase è il numero cardinale dell’ora e il verbo essere concorda con il soggetto.
  3. Sono presso la polizia di Brighton per raccontare che nel cuore della notte sono stata svegliata da uno sparo. Che cosa uso nella mia descrizione, at night o in the night? Perché?
    Uso “at te night” che significa “nel cuore della notte”.
  4. Daniela deve scrivere una lettera a un fornitore americano affinché la merce le sia inviata entro due settimane. Per indicare la scadenza, deve usare by o within? Perché?
    Daniela deve usare within perché la lettera deve essere inviata entro un periodo di tempo e non entro una data precisa.



Focus Now


Pages 72 and 73


Exercise 11

  1. Where does she working these days?
    She’s working in a radio station these days.
  2. Where does she work?
    She works in the city centre.
  3. How much does he earn with his new job?
    He earns a lot of money with his new job.
  4. What is he doing?
    He is having lunch in the canteen.
  5. Why are you going by car?
    We are going by car because there is a public transport strike.
  6. How are they going to school at the moment?
    They’re going to school on foot at the moment.
  7. What is she having at the moment?
    She’s eating a sandwich right now.
  8. What kind of music do they like?
    They like rap music a lot.
  9. How much does it take to fill in the form?
    It only takes a couple of minutes to fill in the form.
  10. Who is studying abroad this year?
    My sister is studying abroad this year.
  11. When do you have swimming lessons?
    I have swimming lessons on Monday and Friday.


Exercise 12

  1. Which is heavier? A leaf or a rock?
  2. Everyone thinks Monday is the worst day of the week.
  3. Are you sure bikes are safer than motorbikes?
  4. Which hobbies are the cheapest and the most expensive?
  5. We don’t think golf is more boring than tennis.
  6. In fairy tales the princess is always the most beautiful lady in the story.
  7. Alice is the youngest girl in her family.
  8. The new printer is much noisier than the old one.


Exercise 13

  1. In our country young men don't have to do military service when they are 18. It’s no longer obligatory.
  2. When do we have to pay the rent?
  3. If you are attending school in the UK, you have to wear a uniform but if you are in Italy, you don't have to.
  4. A firefighter has to to train a lot.
  5. Does Paula have to work long hours?
  6. It’s the weekend. I don't have to get up early. I can stay in bed.
  7. Nobody has to cook because my mother always does the cooking for everyone.
  8. Henry doesn't have to eat fish if he doesn't like it.



Exercise 14

  1. A     tallest
  2. A     is happening
  3. D     the
  4. C     in
  5. A     -
  6. B      a
  7. D     likes
  8. B      usually does
  9. C     much
  10. C     is getting


Exericise 15

Q: What do you do for a living?

A: I’m a fireighter.

Q: What does being a fireighter mean?

A:We work 24 hours on, 48 of so that’s ten 24-hour shifts a month. Once our shift starts we can do everything from public education, teaching fire safety in the schools, to doing pre-ire plans with the businesses in town.
Every week we do some kind of training. When we are not answering calls during the week we’re probably training. We usually finish by five o’clock or six o’clock in the afternoon, and then we have free time; we watch TV, have dinner, and then go to bed. Then we get up again in the morning and go home at eight o’clock. We respond to emergency calls all in between that time. Anytime there is a medical call or a ire, we take immediate action.

Q: What do you like about what you do?

A: I like helping in the community. And I like working with these guys. We work 24 hours a day together. There are weeks when we spend more time with these guys than we do with our families, we build friendships. I also like the work schedule, the ten 24- hour shifts a month, gives me a lot

of time to do things with my kids and wife.

Q: What education, school, or skills are necessary to be a fireighter?

A: To apply for this job you have to have at least a high school diploma. You have to be younger than 33. Not many people get in. The city tests twice a year and they rank you from that test. You have to be in the top three to get the job.

Q: What is most challenging about what you do?

A: Being able to keep control over your emotions. When things are very stressful you tend to get excited, you do things too fast, without thinking about what you are doing, and that can get you hurt. You have to step back and take a look at everything before taking decisions sometimes; and I think that’s one of the hardest things for people to learn.


Exercise 16

I see my father every day: we live together. He is sweet, comfortable, calm and he rarely scream. I really like him for that.