Textuality » 4LSCA Interacting

LDri - civic education speech
by LDri - (2021-04-22)
Up to  4LSCA - DAD. Week from 15th to 21st March, 2021Up to task document list

Good morning, my name is Lucia and today I would like to discuss healthcare in Campania, but first I would like to introduce a general overview of the region: Campania has got a population of about 5 700 000 people and a density of 416.49 inh/km2. It has an area of 13 thousand km2 and its capital is Naples, while other provinces are: Avellino, Benevento, Caserta and Salerno.

As far as healthcare is concerned, Campania is not one of the most developed regions in Italy. Therefore, now I am going to analyse the trends of healthcare expenditure and employment in this field.

In 2018 the financing of Campania’s health expenditure was 10 billion and 392 million of euros, which represent the 9% of total national transfers and it was due to the effects of the debt containment measures of the regions. In particular, the expenditure has risen compared to 2016 of about 200 million of euros, but the healthcare expenditure per inhabitant in Campania is lower than the national one.

However, one of the most relevant problems in the healthcare sector in Campania is the number of hospital beds, that has decreased compared to 2016. Moreover, considering the population of 5million and 7 hundred thousand people, they aren’t enough (especially now, during the pandemic). Indeed, the number of hospital beds has risen only a bit but there aren’t reliable data yet.

Unfortunately, the lack of healthcare personnel is a huge problem. Indeed, from 2010 to 2018 it has suffered a difficult decrease in all Italy, but more relevant in Campania, as you can see in the data. The negative variation and the disposition of the human resources of the National Health Service is influenced by: the application of recent reduction policies, the economic and financial deficit and the limitation of recruitment, as consequence of the block of turnover in the regions.

By the way, the total number of employees is 41 202,that represent the 6.8% of the human resources of the National Health Service. In particular, 8 869 are doctors and dentists, while 18 145 are nurses.

Healthcare field includes also welfare system, that in Campania is underdeveloped compared to the rest of the nation and it is characterized by a lack of residential structures and a low availability of beds considering the number of inhabitants. To tell the truth, in Campania there are 464 residential devices (which represent the 3.7% of the total in Italy) and the 55% of the available beds are intended for elderly people.

The healthcare field has also to face another big problem, that is the pandemic.

However, covid-19 has caused lots of troubles for a lot of activities. Since March 2020, the government has issued a lockdown by a series of restrictive measures on the movement of people and has established the suspension of some economic activities, considered not essential. Indeed, the government created a division between essential and suspended activities in every region.

In Campania, the 53.5% of local units was active in the period of lockdown (a bigger percentage compared to the national one). Moreover, local units in business employed 60,7% of total employees and got a total turnover that represent the 60.5% of all activities.


In 2021 the vaccination campaign has begun and according to the data of the 22nd of March 2021, in Campania 668 383 vaccine doses were administrated (the 8.5% of the national ones). In the chart you can see that most vaccinated people belong to non-health sector or they are over 80, then you have health and social workers, school personnel and finally guests of residential structures and members of the army.

Concluding, in these graphics you can note the differences between employees in the healthcare sector in Campania compared to Italy and employees in the healthcare sector compared to the total employees in Campania, who represent a small percentage, that is 2.55% of the total.

Thank you all for the attention.