Textuality » 4LSUB Interacting

by FDiFeola - (2021-04-25)
Up to  4LSUB - DDI. WEEK 19th to 25th April, 2021. ArgumentationsUp to task document list

Just considering the title, “celebr8” I guess we’ll be talking about a celebration of something. The poem is arrenged into 13 stanzas, with 8 verses each. There is not a recular rhyme pattern. the first room is a hymn to diversity and to love each other. Because he says if we hate our neighbor, it’s like we hate ourselves. In the second stanza the speaking voice tells why we have different color of skin therefore refers to melanin. In the fourth room refers to gender differences between men and women. In the seventh stanza the speaking voice tells about the diversity in the sexual's field. The stanza 10 is about how disability people need equal opportunity, they don't deserve to be excluded, because their disability is not a problem, and not for this they must be discriminated. The concepts throughout the text always repeat the principle of not discriminating against people just because they are different from themselves.