Textuality » 4LSUB Interacting

ASTaccarelli - Pag 195
by ASTaccarelli - (2021-04-25)
Up to  4LSUB - DAD. From Monday 8th to Saturday 13th March, 2021Up to task document list

PAG 195

ex. 1

a. Old, fool, unruly, saucy, pedantic, wretch. They are negative expressions.

b. 1b, 2d, 3c, 4a.

c. Because love knows no season, clime, hours, days, months.

ex. 2 

a. The poet could eclipse the power of the sun because he's in love and love is a greater power. But he decides not to do so because it would distract him from his lover and he "can't lose her sight".

b. The poet says that his lover's eyes could blind the Sun's.

c. The poet says that their love is so great that it could be compared to the world.

ex. 3 

a. "she" is all states, "I" is all princes -> we are everything (the whole world) -> all the rest is nothing; in fact princes are only liars/actors; honor is mimic; and weath is alchemy. -> if the Sun shines on us, he brings light and warmth to the whole world

b. Condescending/Patronizing

ex. 4 

The rhyme scheme is regular: A B B A, C D C D, E E.

ex. 5

The figures of speech in the first stanza are PERSONIFICATIONS.

ex. 7

Personified, lovers, seasons, closing, brighter, bed, states, world, knowledge, metaphysical.