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IBudai - using the Duration Form in an essay
by IBudai - (2020-10-11)
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I have been practising skating for five years now. I really like doing it because it helps me get my mind off of things: the feeling I experience when I enter the skating rink is beyond words. You'd think that since I've been doing it for so long I'd eventually get used to it, but every time I feel the wheels spinning under my feet I get overwhelmed with joy and I can't help but smile. The only times that I don't feel this immense happiness whenever I put my skates on is when I'm competing against other associations; since 've been competing for so long though, the anxiety is slowly going away, but it's still there. Even though, I'm always the leader in my team: I can encourage them to make better and help them out, but when it comes to me I always think I could've done something more or something better, but I guess that's just how life goes.