Textuality » 4LSCA Interacting

Cleber - vocabulary
by ACleber - (2020-10-30)
Up to  4LSCA - Vocabulary BuildingUp to task document list

Alice Cleber  4^LSCA                                                                                                                                       30/10/2020

Vocabulary test



1. Literature

2. Reading

3. To transmit

4. Poem

5. poetry

6. To underline

7. highlights

8. To arranged

9. Structure

10. Denotative aspect

11. To include

12. run-on-line

13. plays

14. expectations

15. conjectures

16. Line

17. jambic pentameter

18. To add meaning to

19. To contribute

20. to be curious about

21. semantic field

22. figure of speech

23. personification

24. metaphor

25. similitude

26. synecdoche

27. symbol

28. considering the lay-out

29. free verse

30. regular model

31. courtly love code

32. vocabulary

33. words

34. to belong to

35. syntactical aspect

36. Connotation

37. To suggest

38. use of verb tense

39. sound element

40. Semantic level

41. lexical choices

42. To recalls/remind

43. Assonance

44. Alliteration

45. rime

46. rythm

47. frequent

48. narrative poem

49. The speaking voice

50. message