Communication » 1LSAB Communication

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    1LSAB - WEEK From 17th to 22nd May, 2021. Future Forms

    Deadline Tuesday May 18th, 2021
    LESSON: VERIFICA ORALE. Oral tests. Student: FORT
    Topics of oral tests:
    - All Grammar Rules from Teacher's notes
    - Conversation about past and future experiences
    - Speaking about Education in the UK and in the US (Focus pp.88-89)
    Discrimination poem and song Across the Lines
    - Oral Summay and discussion about Episodes 4-5-6

    LINK M. G. Episodes 31-43

    In view of the class test
    - Review all grammar rules
    - Review Irregular verbs

    - DIALOGUE WRITING. You meet Paul in the street and ask him how he is and where he is going. Then you ask him what he did during his last weekend. He also asks if you have plans for the summer holidays and you tell him about your future summer.He answers you and he asks you about the evening. He wants to know if you are free and arranges a place and to meet before you go for a pizza togeher. 

    Deadline Thursday May 20ieth, 2021

    - Study the teacher's notes on GOING TO FUTURE
    From Grammar in Progress
    - Study p. 198
    - Activities p. 199

    Deadline Friday May 21st May , 2021
    LESSON. Comparing futures (Present Progressive -Simple Future - Going to Future)

    From Grammar in Progress
    - Study p. 200
    - Activities p. 201

    N.B. All homework activities must be uploaded on the present folder

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