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Peace Project: Peace and the Promotion and Respect of Human Rights [5D]
The area is devoted to students' written reflection on the development of human rights and its natural connection with the promotion of an active project in favour of Peace.
In their reflection students were invited to find meaningful and useful connections between the debate and procces of human rights affirmation in the world sphere.

* Bruno - A Diachronic Survey on Human Rights

*[author: Tina Bruno - postdate: 2006-02-05]

*Cecutti - A Diachronic Survey on Human Rights

*[author: Federico Cecutti - postdate: 2006-02-05]

* Cozzutti - A Diachronic Survey on Human Rights

*[author: Valentina Cozzutti - postdate: 2006-02-05]

*Martina Cuoco - A Diachronic Survey on Human Rights

*[author: Martina Cuoco - postdate: 2006-02-05]

* Ferlat - A Diachronic Survey on Human Rights

*[author: Laura Ferlat - postdate: 2006-02-14]

*Galopin - A Diachronic Survey on Human Rights

*[author: Giulia Galopin - postdate: 2006-02-05]

*Angela Longo - A Diachronic Survey on Human Rights

*[author: Angela Longo - postdate: 2006-02-17]

* Annamaria Longo -A Diachronic Survey on Human Rights

*[author: Annamaria Longo - postdate: 2006-02-17]

* Padrone - A Diachronic Survey on Human Rights

*[author: Chiara Padrone - postdate: 2006-02-12]

*Pavan - A Diachronic Survey on Human Rights

*[author: Claudia Pavan - postdate: 2006-02-15]