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Maran - Exercises pages 84 and 86
[author: Marco Maran - postdate: 2006-11-22]
EX 1
1- How Duncan is going to be killed
Duncan is going to be killed by Macbeth. Macbeth is going to kill Macbeth with a dagger at his castle.
2- What the original plan for the murder was
When Duncan sleept Macbeth had to kill him. After that he had to give the guilt to the chamberlains, who whad to be previously convinced by Lady Macbeth with food and drink not to remember their actions.
3- How the execution differs from the original plan
The execution differs from the original because when Macbeth kills Duncan, he hears the chamberlains say: "Amen" and "God bless us". After that Macbeth hears a voice saying: "Sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep." and thus he is frightened by hallucinations and his determination collapses. Therefore he forgets to put the bleeding daggers near the guards.

EX 2
a)1. Describe the reactions of the two characters to the murder
Macbeth is very frightened by hallucinations, Lady Macbeth is calmer and more determined than Macbeth also after the murder. to tell the truth she hides her fragility and scares.
a)2. Which of these reactions strike you as being hypersensitive
Even if it doesn't sound immediate to the audience, the hypersensitive reaction is brought to surface by Lady Macbeth.
b)Which of the following phrases are suitable to describe Macbeth's and Lady Macbeth's state of mind? Support with evidence from the text.
Has frightening hallucinations (lines 30-32, lines 38-40)
Feels remors and fear (lines 61 - 70)

EX 3
What choice of colour and figures of speech suggest horror and show the effect of the murder of Macbeth?
The colours chosen are red and black. Red symbolizes Duncan's blood and Lady Macbeth's obsession. Black is the colour of death. They are very important colours because they create the background to the whole play. As a matter of fact the play tells the audiences of murders and obsession. The figures of speech are personifications of animals like the owl that shrieks. They are the symbols of the negative aspects of the nature.

EX 4
What is the attitude of the audience towards each character?
The audience understands that the characters are very ambitious and determined even if after the murder they seems to be very fragile and scary.
After Macbeth's actions the audience doesn't consider him a hero.

Per la prof.essa ho inserito il documento in un'altra cartella perchè non c'era la possibilità di metterlo in Shakespeare's world. Scusi.