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Bufo - Exercises pages 84, 85, 86
[author: Sara Bufo - postdate: 2006-11-22]


1. Read and explain
1.1. how Duncan is going to be killed
Duncan is going to be murdered by Macbeth, who is going to use a dagger to commit this heinous crime. Macbeth's evil wife didn't manage to kill the king because he resembled her father as he slept

1.2. what the original plan for the murder was
The plan was to kill Duncan while his drunken bodyguards were sleeping and then plant incriminating evidence on the bodyguards by leaving the bloody daggers with them.

1.3. how the execution differs from the original plan
Macbeth comes back with the bloody daggers and doesn’t want to put them back in Duncan’s room because he’s afraid of what he did. Therefore, he doesn’t want to return there and Lady Macbeth completes the deed by taking the daggers back herself.

2. Focus on characters
2a1. Describe the reactions of the two characters to the murder
Despite the fact that Lady Macbeth is a weak character (she didn’t manage to kill Duncan because he resembled her father as he slept), she wants to appear fearless. Therefore, she reacts to the murder by dominating the situation. As a matter of fact, she appears strong in her speeches ("That which had made them drunk hath made me bold, what hath quench’d them hath given me fire"; 2.2.1) and is calmer than Macbeth. What’s more, she pretends not to feel the consequences of the deed and accuses her husband of being weak (“My hands are of your colour, but I shame to wear a heart so white”; 2.2.69).
On the other hand, Macbeth reacts to the murder by having remorse. As a matter of fact, he realizes he will have no more blessing (“One cried, "God bless us!" and "Amen" the other (…). I could not say "Amen," when they did say, "God bless us!"; 2.2.29 ) and is afraid of what he did (“I’m afraid to think what I have done”; 2.2.54). What’s more, he knows he will find no more peace: he’ll sleep no more and even great Neptune’s ocean will not wash blood from his hands.

2a2. Which of these reactions strike you as being hypersensitive?
Neither of the reactions seems hypersensitive. Whoever has the courage to commit such a heinous crime is anything but sensitive.

2b. Which of the following phrases are suitable to describe Macbeth’s and Lady Macbeth’s state of mind? Support with evidence from the text
  1. Feels excitement and satisfaction
  2. Is determined and fearless
  3. Has frightening hallucinations
  4. Feels remorse and fear
  5. Is cool and controlled
  6. Is detached and indifferent
Macbeth has frightening hallucinations (“Methought I heard a voice cry, "Sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep"; 2.2.38, What hands are here? Ha, they pluck out mine eyes!; 2.2.62) and feels remorse (“One cried, "God bless us!" and "Amen" the other (…). I could not say "Amen," when they did say, "God bless us!"; 2.2.29) and fear ("I’m afraid to think what I have done"; 2.2.54). Lady Macbeth is cool and controlled ("Consider it not so deeply"; 2.2.33, "the sleeping and the dead are but pictures; ‘tis the eye of childhood that fears a painted devil"; 2.2.55)

3. Focus on language
What choice of colour and figures of speeches suggest horror and show the effect of the murder of Macbeth?
Red and blood suggest horror: the daggers are bloody, Duncan bleeds, Macbeth’s hands are full of blood. It seems as if blood were everywhere! Blood personifies Macbeth’s fears. What’s more, another device used by Shakespeare to show the effect of the murder can be seen in Macbeth’s speeches, where he often repeats his name, and makes himself protagonist of his visions. It seems as if the supernatural is warning him that he’ll find no more peace and considers his deed a heinous crime.

4. What is the attitude of the audience towards each character?
The audience doesn’t agree with what Macbeth and Lady Macbeth do. They are evil and cruel characters and are not seen as good examples. They are full of ambition, thirsty for power and are prepared to do anything to seize it. Therefore, they don’t care for anything except themselves. They are selfish, and their egoism is unacceptable.