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Bianchin - Exercises from pages 84-85-86
[author: Luca Bianchin - postdate: 2006-11-23]
1)How Duncan is going to be killed
Duncan is going to be killed by Macbeth who breaks forth into the bedroom, but his deed doesn’t accomplish in a silent way because the guards laugh in the sleep and howl. Macbeth isn’t able to keep himself calm: he stands worried listening to the guards and in the end he forgets the dagger in Duncan’s room.

2)What the original plan for murder was
The plan Macbeth and his lady prepared to kill Duncan consisted in entering Duncan’s room, after the guards had been drunk, and murdering Duncan with daggers. Macbeth thought to hand over the responsibility of the crime to the two servants the following morning, when the murder would be discovered.

3)How the execution differs from the original plan
The execution differs from the original plan because Macbeth isn’t able to have power over his emotions, therefore when a further element is filled in, Macbeth can’t manage the situation: the servants' laughs create in him doubts and fears, he becomes upset, he listens to voices, and forgets the daggers, but doesn’t want to enter Duncan’s room again.

2)Describe the reactions of the two characters to the murder
Macbeth is worried for what he has just made. He is full of doubts, and scared for the future (“ Sleep no more”). On the contrary, Lady Macbeth seems to be his support: she considers all the voices and the troubles Macbeth is living “as pictures, ‘tis the eye of childhood”. She holds a strange behaviour for a women in the Middle Ages and the relation man-woman seems turned upside down: Macbeth is weak, but his Lady is not. She does not seem to perceive seem to perceive his guilt. Macbeth seems to be hypersensitive.

  • 1)Lady Macbeth feels excitement and satisfaction.
  • 2)Lady Macbeth is determined and fearless.
  • 3) Macbeth has frightening hallucinations.
  • 4) Macbeth feels remorse and fear.
  • 5) Lady Macbeth is cool and controlled.
  • 6)Lady Macbeth is detached and indifferent.

3)What choice of colour suggests and shows the effect of the murder of Macbeth?
The colour conveyed by the text is surely red: the colour of blood. As a matter of fact the word blood is repeated more and more times, and stands out both an image of death, and an image of passion: Macbeth is seized by his ambition, he wants to get what he desires.

4)What is the attitude of the audience towards each character?
The attitude of the audience toward Macbeth is one of shame for what the main character is making, in total contrast to the rules of medieval societ. The audience notices how Macbeth,in spite of his inner weakness, completes huge deeds. In a certain way the audience understands Macbeth’s position, but is worried for him, because he goes outside the usual protocol: he threatens to became a fool. Vice versa Lady Macbeth is considered as one of the witches: she encourages Macbeth to murder Duncan, and doesn’t show any kind of worry, she is so detached that can’t be considered a women, except for the time when she remembers her father. She isn’t a supernatural figure, but rather a real one that only doesn’t feel any remorse, as if the murder did not touch her.