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Bianchin - Notes on January 26th, Conference
[author: Luca Bianchin - postdate: 2007-02-22]
1)What was, in your opinion, the objective of the conference?
In my opinion the conference had the function to deliver ideas about the European Union, and to show how its model has changed in time.

2) What was the hottest topic discussed?
The hottest topic discussed relied on the challenges today’s Europe has to face in order to keep his model of development in a context where a lot has changed both inside and outside Europe: For example the entrance into the Union of new Member States that do not agree with all the values of the six father Member States,the situation after the fall of Twin Towers, and the Berlin Wall.

3) What was the information you consider necessary to have in advance?
The piece of information I consider necessary to have in advance was knowing how Europe tries to face the challenges, both with the social-economic policy of Lisbon, and the adoption of a new constitutional chart, and how those policies have been carried out into the last years.

4) Make a list of the significant information that has been delivered during the conference.

  • The aim of the European Union when it was born was to keep peace and economic growth on Western Europe.
  • The main values of the European Union are democracy, rule of law, human rights about the politic filed; on the economic field Europe has a liberal system, soothed by public welfare; moreover Member States in EU have to conform their legislations to technical rules in 31 fields.
  • With the passing of time the European Union has shown an increasing gap between the challenges to face and the legislative tools it has to follow the globalization.
  • The European Constitutional Chart could be a possible means to face new challenges, with a common foreign ministry, and a qualified majority system in order to take decisions for the whole of the UE (Today we adopt the instrument of unanimity conclusion).
  • In recent years the European Union has tried to involve all European society in his process with communication and participation
5) How do you judge the use of language made? Was it suitable to vehicle the message?
The use of language was suitable to convey the message. It was also possible to improve the use of language adding technical worlds relied on the semantic field Euro-institutional.

6) Do you feel involved in some of the topics discussed?

I feel involved in the discussion concerning real democracy in UE, especially about the content of the European Constitution and the possibility of non- based on national Member States representation elections in Europe.
But the main point the conference probably wanted to deliver was the model of Europe: does the European Dreamreally exist ?Can the dream face the new challenges? And can Europe still enlarg? WillTurkey be a future Member State?