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GDelFrate - Analysis Immagine
[author: Giulia Del Frate - postdate: 2007-05-27]
Analysis: IMMAGINE
Just considering the title I understand that the poet writes about an image that is in his mind.
Maybe this image is a memory fixed in her mind because it reminds a particular emotion.
From the lay out you can understand that s it is a modern poem because it has not got a strict pattern of stanzas and there are free lines.
In the first stanzas the poet describes a person entering her house. The poet seems an external narrator that watches the scene in a passive way but that is not true.
When she says “Entri nella mia casa” it seems the poet does not try to stop the person, on the contrary it seems that she surrenders to him and does nothing to prevent him.
I think that it is a nice surrender because she says “in punta di piedi”. This person enters her house: the metaphor for her life, in tip toes and I think it means that this person was very delicate and fine when she met him.
When she says “facendoti spazio tra libri e cartelle”, in my opinion she means that he was a part of her life and he had carved out a niche for himself in her heart because she had let him.do it
The second stanza starts with “In apparenza” so I can understand that such person showed his real image just afterwards and has therefore deceived the poet.
This person offered a perfect vision of himself to others: he was silent and shy : features which may make person think he is reserved and shy to tacke an initiative and can only make tenderness to others.
But he showed another side of himself: “Sicuro nelle procedure” that makes you think you are shy but a skilled one.
The lines “Parco di cose e parole Le mani calando Dietro concentrazione e compostezza” make me think that him is like a mentally deranged person or like a serial killer or like a rapist because such people are usually reserved and silent and theyare so perfect and dressed in impeccable way. As a matter of facts, behind their so perfect side (so much to seems morbid and strange) rapists or serial killers hide a brutal side.
I don’t thik he is a mentally deranged but anyway I do think he did something wrong to the poet because she write “Chi oserebbe mai immaginare ... ?”.
In my opionion the poet wants to communicate that he is a “false person” because he hides his insecure and fragile side under a sure, concentrated, composed, unbreakable, hard and determined behaviour.
But why does he behave like that? What’s wrong with him? What happened to him to make him like this?
Maybe what happened made him behave like this because something in his life changed him forever and therefore he carries such attitude along with him .
She writes that he is “Distante - … forse prezioso” maybe because he likes playing … but why does he like playing? Maybe because he is angry with the woman and he does not want to suffer anymore? And what has happened between the two? Is the guilt his mother's or his ex love's?
Or simply he doesn’t want to have a serious relationship and he wants to be free and only play.
The poet writes ”Poi, quasi per caso, un fastidio – …e l’immagine si rovescia - ombre e contorni nuovi si ri-velano”.
Maybe she thinks she saw the real person and she can’t understand him because he is not even the one he shows still now. He is another person. But what has made the poet realize all this?
She says only “sfumature di rosso - rosso di rabbia”.
She says that she is angry with him but she makes clear that her anger is red and red his the colour of passion.
Maybe he betrayed her because before she said that she had let him in her life and he was a part of her. But later on she said that he makes her feel tenderness and trust. In the end she makes us understand that he was not real and he made something wrong, somwthing that is associated with passion.
She says that everything after that moment has disappeared (“a volte epifanico”).
As a matter of fact like epiphany that all feast takes away in the same manner such "fastidio" has taken all the passion away.
I think that the poet doesn’t want to believe and accept what has happened and she askes to herself if it is possible “e pur sempre al di là - oltre la fragilità. Ma sarà vero?”. Maybe she suffer so much that she doesn’t want to realize that a mechanism like an illusion seems to find its way.
I think “Il tempo, lo spazio” were relative for the poet and there is still only “Il fuoco che brucia” Only “L’aria e l’acqua” can extinguish fire because “L’aria” is the vital breath (life) and “l’acqua” is love that “che riceve forma da chi la ospita”. As a matter of fact love is life in every human being and takes the shape of everyone that wants him, like the “cuor gentile” for the Stilnovisti.
But they can extinguish the fire even if they can’t delete the burning.
The poet say that the notes of an Irish violin make him remind “Sento – Ascoltando le note di un violino irlandese” and she says that some words were not said “Lontane e vicine –Parole non dette -Imprecate - Sicuramente eloquenti”. Maybe events (“Poi, quasi per caso, un fastidio”) had made it impossible to say these words. I think that ther love may be cut off by his death, a tragic and fatal destin (“quasi per caso”). But only the song can tell us what happened, the Irish song in which the poet finds shelter “E allora riparo nello spazio accogliente inclusivo dei versi che solo sanno abbracciare e stare in ascolto...”.
Maybe the song, like the poem, can become a substitute (a surrogate) to her love, a last trying to bring her love back, a last illusion to have him still here, a last hold of the eternity and the continuity of him.