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GSerpi - Two Cultures: Hardware and Software, Discovery and Creation
[author: Gianluca Serpi - postdate: 2007-03-20]
E.O. Wilson in his recent work notice that not only the gap between Humanities and Sciences exits nowadays. In the essay under consideration, the writer provides a possible explanation for the existence of these two cultures from a scientific point of view.

He proposes that both Humanists and Scientists may recognize each other's merits and also their strengths and limitations. In particular:

  1. Scientists have to recognize the large contribution to their success due to the extraordinary "model-ability" of the physical world itself as opposed to the strength of the scientific process per se

  2. Humanists would do well to understand, acknowledge and incorporate the results of science where appropriate and relevant. A man as a computer is endowed with Hardware and Software. This is the comparison created in which moral values, purpose of life and so on constitute the software (culture).

He also opens a debate on Religions. For example in the case of Buddhism the “three poisons” of degree, anger, and stupidity were identified as the fundamental evils inherent in life which give rise to human suffering.
If this is representative of other religions, most suffering has more to do with our "software" than our physical situation.

In this conflict we have to remember that our values are created by and captured in our cultural software, and that with our values we can change the World.