Textuality » 3A Interacting

GBredeon - Drama appunti
by GBredeon - (2009-05-24)
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What is drama? It is an art form that tells a story throw speech and actions of the characters in the story.

It is a multi-art, which uses words scenic, music and the features of the actors.

It deals whit basic elements of experience such as feelings, desire, conflicts and reconciliation. In short it deals whit the ingredients of human life.

Drama is a form of communication, and therefore it has got a SENDER (the people who play), a CONTEXT (space and time that change according to the situation), a MASSAGE (what the play wants to tell the audience), a CHANNEL (speech, acting music), a MODE (story telling), for a PURPOSE ( the reason why the play was put on the floor). Of course there is also a RECIVER (the audience).

Most important drammatic forms: TRAGEDY ---> serious play with a set ending.

Commedy light play with a happy ending.

Melodrama is a drama full of sensational events and exaggerated characters often with a happy ending.



Sender---> singers, dancers, mime acrobats and clowns

Contaxt---> arround the country, in the market square

Receiver---> people, nobility

Message---> story of heros

Purpose---> entertain the people

Mode---> speech, acting music