Learning Paths » 5A Interacting

by ACampolattano - (2009-06-04)
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The setting is the country-side. Wordsworth writes about the city and sees it early in the  morning. The poem speaks of London in the district of Westminster, that is the financial district. The poem is an English sonnet (three quatrain plus a final rhyming couplet). The point of view the subjective "I". The reader is captured by the high emotional level the text is able to convey. The poem starts with a strong statement, which does not admit  other opinion (there is nothing better to see on Earth that the site if the city in the early morning). The city is personified. It is described as if it were a lady. As the reader can see, the slow rhythm adds an d conveys the deep calm of a city in the morning without the smell of smog, without the confusion of morning crowds, the city as described by Wordsworth becomes animated , it wears a dress and is silence and bare, the watcher can see everything  from the river: valleys and hills. Even the sun seem to give its best because it is in his first splendour, that is he does not burn and air is without smog. The last quatrain communicates the speaking voice reaction and feelings,, the effect of the sight of the city in his soul. The poet uses the language of sense impression , sight and hearing. Nature is given a primary position as it usually happens with  romantic poet; poet's heart even is captured  by the magic of the morning.