Learning Paths » 5A Interacting

GCester - Obama's victory speech (LAVORO FINALE)
by GCester - (2008-11-09)
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Obama's victory speech.


New words:

To stretch: distendere, allungarsi

Doubtful: perplesso, incerto

Fearful: timoroso

Gracious: cortese, raffinato

To endure: sopportare

To achieve: raggiungere

Ahead: davanti

To renew: rinnovare, riprendere

To measure: misurare, prendere le misure a

To endorse: approvare

Myth: mito

Scorching: torrido, rovente

Heat: calore, temperatura

To perish: perire

Lifetime: vita

Mortgage: mutuo

Bill: bolletta

Steep: ripido

Depth: profondità

To summon: convocare, fare appello

Thriving: fiorente

Witness: testimone

To conquer: conquistare, vincere


Topics discussed:



People who have votedelections

People who helped Obama during elections

America that is in crisis


How persuasion is built up:

Obama relies on what is really important for people, as a matter of fact he speaks about the values a person may have. In this way he convinces people to vote for him.


Relevant rethoric devices and their function:

Red States and Blue States

To put their hands on the arc of history

Change has come

We are better off

The family that made me who I am

But above all

Not-so-young people who

This is our chance to answer that call

Thank you, God bless you, and may God bless the United States of America


Obama's speech is full of expressions thata Americans may know. The function of rethoric devices is to explain Obama's politic programme with simple words and in this way everyone may understand his message.


The part of the speech you consider more effective and what makes it so effective:

The part of Obama's speech I like best is when he talks about his family. I think that this is an important aspect, because a president before loving all Americans should love his family. His lover and his children should stay at the first position of his personal values chart.

"And I would not be standing here tonight without the unyielding support of my best friend for the last 16 years, the rock of our family, the love of my life, the nation's next first lady, Michelle Obama. Sasha and Malia, I love you both more than you can imagine, and you have earned the new puppy that's coming with us to the White House."