Textuality » 3A Interacting

GBredeon - film analysis
by GBredeon - (2008-11-30)
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Analysis the title

In my opinion the film is about a love story of a man and a woman…. The film start when the writer’s voice start to introduce the story then I think that the film passage to a book… but may first opinion when I read the title is that it is about a storm... and the land is a mountain.

Text Analysis: first part

First I found the place.
I wondered who had lived there.
What their lives were like.
Something whispered
to my mind,
and I began to write.
My pen creates stories
of a world
that might have been--
a world of my imagining.
And here is one
I'm going to tell.
But take care...
not to smiIe at any part of it.
It begins with a stranger.
-Mr. Heathcliff?
-Mr. Heathcliff?
-You'll have to wait.
-You'll have to wait.
Who are you?
Your new tenant
up at the Grange.
I'm surprised you'd choose
a storm to go wandering
about in, Mr. Lockwood.
Well, I, um...
I Iost my way out on the moor.
Is the Grange far?
Perhaps I couId get a guide
from amongst your Iads.
You couId not.
I'll go with him as far
as the park.
You'll go with him to hell.
Mr. Heathcliff, if I'm not
to have a guide
to take me up to the Grange,
I shall have to sIeep
here tonight.
I don't keep accommodation
for strangers.
Or I'll sIeep in the chair.
There's a room they don't use.
Don't Ieave it by the window.
Why not?
''Catherine Heathcliff.''
''Catherine Linton.''
''Catherine Earnshaw.''
Let me in.
Let me in.

Text analysis

In the first part of the text and the film the speaking voice introduced the story, and she starts to tell the beginning of the dialog with two characters… than there is a discussion in the film with two characters and the writer introduce three characters: Mr Heathcliff, Mr Lockwood and a girl. The two man start talking and they speak about the reason that Mr. Lockwood is come to wuthering heights… than Mr Lockwood go to sleep in a room and he found a phantom.

Character analysis:

Mr Heathcliff: in my opinion this character is so evil… he is dark and the voice of the character is deep. In the first part of the film he’s surly with Mr Lockwood. In the end the castle where Mr Heathcliff lives is dark

Mr Lockwood: in my opinion the character is stupid and he have a lot of fear… fear of the dark… he is curious when he open the book in the room and when he reads the names write in it.