Learning Paths » 5A Interacting

ACampolattano-Obama's Inauguration Speech
by ACampolattano - (2009-01-21)
Up to  Obama's Inauguration Speech. January 20ieth, 2009. Up to task document list

Obama's Inauguration Speech starts with "My fellow citizens" , so the listener can make some conjecture in his mind about the register used by Obama. The word "fellow" is usually used to refer to people that you work with , or who are i the same situation as you.

In conclusion we can say that Obama fells himself in the same situation of citizens he is called to lead. Obama's speech is very simple , as a matter of fact right from the start of the speech Obama does not use any metaphor to express America's situation , he says all that must be told. He revelas a bit of fear due to the tasks he will have to face as the president of USA , but he is also happy for the trust that citizens have bestowed him.

He thanks the previous president for all he did (Bush).

He presents positive and negative situations that America faced , and says that negative situation were all overcome because common people were always faithful to their ideals. He does not hide that also in this moment America is in the middle of a crises due to wars , economy , too much expensive health care  , and so on.

In order to support the previous thesis Obama says that the thesis is confirmed by data and history.


The anaphoric construction "On this day" reveals the begin of a new era were false promises do not exist.  God said : "everybody deserve a change to pursue their full measure of happiness" , Obama affirms that from this moment America has to work hard to revive the old greatness of USA.


The most difficult work is the one of "Remaking America".

Thanks to the ancestors America is still the most prosperous nation on earth ,but everyone must  work hard: new jobs will be created and health care will be less expensive. If the new government will  be able to help citizens and will give them a new work to pay health care's expenditure, the vital trust between people and government  will be restored .


America is a friend of any nations and people who seek a future of peace and will defeat anyone who seek to advance their aims by inducing terror.

A new era of peace must  start between people of different religions and culture , no more civil war!


Obama addresses the last section of the paragraph to the Muslim world. He affirms that Muslim terrorist people will be judge on what they build not on what they destroy.

Each American citizens has to recognize that everybody  has duties. Duties are the old values: honesty , hard work, courage and fair play,  tolerance and curiosity and patriotism. If America wants to improve  she must to follow old values.