Textuality » 4A Interacting

Virtual student - Obama's Speech
by teacher - (2009-02-01)
Up to  Obama's Inauguration Speech. January 20ieth, 2009Up to task document list

Obama's speech - Structural Analysis



I've found ten sequences in the text


1) Thanks (My fellow citizens... this transition) : Obama is grateful for people's trust, ancestors' sacrifices and Bush's diligence during his role.

         KEY-WORDS : humbled - grateful - I thank



2) Indispensable faithfulness and unity (Forty-four Americans...generation of Americans) : the nation's strength doesn't depend only on decisions by politicians but also on people's unity and faithfulness for common ideals and for the Constitution.

KEY-WORDS : presidential oath - oath - America has carried on - faithful - ideals - true - founding documents



3) Serious challenges : USA has got a lot of difficulties, in particular the economic crisis and the lack of people's trust for what the States can do. Obama reassures the audience saying that all problems can be faced and passed.

KEY-WORDS : violence - hatred - crisis - weakend - greed - irresponsibility - fear - decline - be met - hope over fear - purpose over conflict



4) Nation of "risk-takers" : innovation way has to be based on some common ideals and everyone's labour, that will ensure greatness, like the founding fathers.

KEY-WORDS : to choose our better history - equal - free - happiness - greatness (2) - risk-takers - doers - towards prosperity and freedom


5) Remaking America : Obama invites people to improve life , to transform America, just from today.

KEY-WORDS : live a better life - starting today - remaking America - work to be done - to create - new foundation


6) Restoring trust : People can rely on the possibility of better America, looking at previous experiences; their trust has to be supported by honest behaviour in the economy.

         KEY-WORDS : can achieve - wisely -in the light of day - restore the vital trust


7) Ready to lead : USA preserves and shows some ideals to the world, such as peace ; as a result the Americans are stronger than nations who seeks war.

KEY-WORDS : ideals (2) - rights peace - dignity - to lead - prudent use - to meet new threats - to defence (ideals) - stronger - to defeat


8) Era of peace : Since America is a strong and united nation and the world is crossed much more by a sense of humanity, people can hope an era of peace is going to start. Obama will seek peace with the Muslim world; he'll help poor nations with other health nations cooperation.

KEY-WORDS : strength - united - old hatreds passed - common humanity - era of peace - forward - to feed hungry people - we must change


9) Duties : the Americans have to thank they who provide USA's freedom, giving an important service; everybody should contribute to the nation growth following old values, being determined and responsible, making own duties.

KEY-WORDS : gratitude - the spirit of service - liberty - faith - determination - challenges - honesty - hard work - courage - fair play - tolerance - curiosity - loyalty - patriotism - era of responsibility - duties



10) Gift of freedom : People know and rely on their duties, provided by God to build a future; in spite of difficulties they can preserve their freedom, hope and virtue.

KEY-WORDS : citizenship - confidence - hope - virtue - endure what storms - gift of freedom - future - God