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E.Priano - Obama's Inauguration Speech. January 20ieth, 2009
by EPriano - (2009-02-03)
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Barack Obama's speech is divided in sequences. I'm going to summarize the sequences and I'm going to found key words.

The speech consisted of 9 paragraphs


1)Obama thanks people for the trust and thanks also Bush for his services to the Nation .

(Key words : Humbled, oath and ancestors)

2)Obama lists the indicators of crisis: the Nation is at war, economy is weakened, irresponsibility of some people , collective failure to make choices, healthcare is too costly, schools fail too many. These are a lot of causes, but America will solve them.

(crisis , unity of purpose over conflict and discord)

3)Obama wants to reaffirm enduring spirit of USA and ancient values: all are equal , all are free and all deserve a change to pursue their measure of happiness. USA will reach these objectives  thought engagement.

(to reaffirm enduring spirit, choose better history, equal, free, greatness, fought)

4)Obama reaffirms that USA is the most prosperous, powerful nation on the Earth. American people have  a lot of capacities , so they had to begin again the work of remaking America. The President wants the Nation to developed in every area.

(prosperous, powerful, remarking America, we can do)

5)People can do all this things, putting together imagination, common purpose and courage. Today  the most important thing is that America had to work in a better way. considering common good.

(imagination, common purpose, works, common good)

6)Obama remembers us founding fathers' ideals and that America is a friend of each nation and every man. America will stop wars  and live in a better way.

(Founding fathers, ideals, blood of generations, America is a friend..., peace.)

7)USA is a united nation including different people. Hate will finish and in America will be a new era of peace, based on mutual interest and mutual respect. The nation will help poor nation because the world is changing.

( language, culture, united, new era of peace, mutual interest, mutual respect, extend a hand)

8)Obama remember twice brave heroes  of America  because there are the guardians of liberty. Success depends on values like honesty, hard work, courage, fair play, tolerance, curiosity, loyalty, patriotism and responsibility. American have duties to ourselves and the world.

(heroes liberty, kindness, selflessness, willingness, duties)

9) The speech' end remain the knowledge that God calls on us to shape an uncertain destiny

( citizenship, God, patriots, future generations.)