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IFPalmiei - Obama's speech
by IFPalmieri - (2009-02-04)
Up to  Obama's Inauguration Speech. January 20ieth, 2009Up to task document list

Structural Analysis of Obama's speech


The speech is divided into ten sequences:


•1)     In the first sequence (My fellow citizens... this transition) Obama thanks the people for their trust in himself and the president Bush for his co-operation.

The KEY WORD are thank, trust and humbled


•2)     (Forty-four Americans...generation of Americans) America has carried on after a difficult moments not only because of the good decisions by politicians but because the nation has remained unity and faithful for traditional ideals.

The KEY WORD are America has carried on, faithful, ideals and founding documents


•3)     Serious Challenges: America is going thought a difficult economic crisis so the people have not trust in the states. Obama is confidence in the unity of the people and he is sure that this time can be passed.

The KEY WORD are crisis, decline, generation, weakened, be met, hope over fear and purpose over conflict


•4)     Nation of  "risk-takers": the change of America has to be based on common values and everyone's tenacious,like the founding fathers.

The KEY WORDS are greateness, risk-takers, doers, prosperity and freedom


•5)     Remaking America: Obama invites people to remaking America start to build the foundation for growth.

The KEY WORD are remaking America, new foundation, starting today and new age


•6)     Restoring trust: the people can believe in American's ambitions in particular on economic plans because the trust between a people and government is more important.

The KEY WORD are  common purpose, restore the vital trust, and in the light of day


•7)     Ready to lead: USA defends and shows to the world some ideals like a peace and the Americans are stronger not for their skilful at war but for their values.

The KEY WORD are ideals, to defend, threats, peace, to lead and stronger


•8)     Era of peace: America puts up all different cultures; an everyone hope an era of peace, where there will a peace with Muslim and where all states will help poor nations.

The KEY WORD are era of peace, common humanity, we must change and to seek


•9)     Duties: America can return to the traditional values and everybody have a duties to the world that they can accept to win this difficult task.

The KEY WORD are honesty, hard work, courage, fair play, curiosity,l oyalty, patriotism, era of responsibility and duties


•10)  Gift of freedom: People can defend their freedom,hope and virtue and build a future based to this principle provided by God.

The KEY WORD are future, hope, virtue, gift of freedom and God